9 Bookish Things We're Thankful For This Year

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Happy Thanksgiving! Today on the blog, we're talking about nine of the bookish things that we're most thankful for this year. Compiling this list made us all warm and smiley and we couldn't wait to share it with you, so here we go!

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9 Bookish Things We're Thankful For This Year:

1. The papery smell of a used bookstore. -Jessica

2. Book conventions! -Emily

3. All of our awesome blogging friends. -Amber

4. Gorgeous book covers! - Jessica

5. Reading when you have a snow day! -Emily

6. Two words: Book. Boyfriends. -Amber

7. Rainy afternoons spent binge-reading. -Jessica

8. Independent bookstores. -Emily

9. Books themselves! -Amber

So those are nine of the bookish things we're thankful for this year! What are yours? Comment down below, because we'd definitely love to know! And now, if you'll excuse us, it's time to eat some delicious food and then sleep it allllll off.

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