Review: Someday (Every Day, #2) by David Levithan

Title: Someday
Author: David Levithan
Publisher: Knopf Books for Young Readers
Rating: 4/5 Stars
Hardcover, 336 Pages
Published October 2018

Summary: For as long as A can remember, life has meant waking up in a different person's body every day, forced to live as that person until the day ended. A always thought there wasn't anyone else who had a life like this. But A was wrong. There are others. A has already been wrestling with powerful feelings of love and loneliness. Now comes an understanding of the extremes that love and loneliness can lead to -- and what it's like to discover that you are not alone in the world. In Someday, David Levithan takes readers further into the lives of A, Rhiannon, Nathan, and the person they may think they know as Reverend Poole, exploring more deeply the questions at the core of Every Day and Another Day. What is a soul? And what makes us human?

My review for this book was originally posted on

I absolutely fell in love with the first book in this series, EVERY DAY, a few years ago when I finally made the decision to pick it up. I couldn't get over how exciting and different this story was --- following someone that wakes up in a different body every single day. It was an idea that was revolutionary and definitely took me by surprise, which is why I loved it so much. And now, so many years later, I picked up SOMEDAY, and I fell back into A's world all over again.

This story picks up where EVERY DAY leaves off, after A has to leave and ends up in Colorado, far away from Rhiannon. Through time and distance, they struggle to keep their friendship (and their pseudo-relationship) alive, even though it's getting harder and harder. And to make it worse, X, the evil body shifter that's been searching for A, is starting to harm their friends as a method of getting A to come back and face him. 

What I loved about this book was how quickly I fell back into the story. It's definitely been at least four or five years since I read EVERY DAY, but as soon as I picked up this book, I found myself absorbed in the story and I just couldn't put it down. I managed to read the entire 400 pages in less than 3 days, which is something I don't get done much when I'm busy with schoolwork! So it felt really nice to fall into a story that captivated me so quickly. And the romance between Rhiannon and A was so adorable that my heart fluttered several times, and it was especially inspiring to see the creative ways that they made their relationship work, due to both the distance between them and A's, er, unfortunate situation of switching bodies every single morning, never being the same person twice.

Something I enjoyed so much about this story was experiencing all of the different lives alongside A. Every day, they woke up in a new body, with new friends and family, new lives, and new cultures. While David Levithan doesn't detail out every single life A lives, it was exciting to read the glimpses that we did receive. As a reader, I really got to see a wide range of diverse people and cultures. There's even a portion of the book that takes place in New York City, so it was exciting to see the book being set close to home! Especially since NYC is filled with so many different types of people, so A had many different experiences while they were there.

The one thing I'd recommend doing before reading this book is definitely rereading EVERY DAY if you haven't read it in awhile. I had to look up a summary of the book to refresh some of the major plot points, since it's been a really long time since I read the last book. But once I quickly refreshed myself on what was going on (particularly with Nathan and Poole and Alexander, which were some of the details I forgot throughout the years), I was able to jump right back into the story and continue to fall in love.

(Spoilers in this paragraph! Skip to the next one if you don't want it ruined for you!) The only thing I wasn't super crazy about in this book was that I felt like the part where they vanquished X was really confusing and sudden, and it was also over so quickly. The buildup in the story made it seem like there was going to be some sort of epic battle or confrontation, but instead, there's a brief scene (literally 2-3 pages) where A makes a quick move and talks to Wyatt and then X is just gone forever. And we don't even get to see anything happen from X's perspective, which was a little bit disappointing. But other than that, I loved everything else about this book.

Overall, I really enjoyed reading SOMEDAY. If you were a fan of EVERY DAY (both the book and the movie), I definitely recommend picking this book up. Not only do you continue to get an adorable romance between A and Rhiannon, but there are also some more thrills and scary moments that will keep you flipping the pages and desperate to know what happens next. Plus, the chapters are pretty short, which makes this an easy read to breeze through! David Levithan impressed me again with another incredible, gripping story, and I'm definitely excited to read more of his work in the future.

That reminds me --- I actually haven't watched the movie yet, which is probably something I should do, especially since I've fallen back into the world of this story and I'm such a fan all over again. So now, if you'll excuse me, it's time to go do that!

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