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Reviews from past years:
2021 Reviews:
★★★★★ - It Was Amazing:
As If On Cue by Marisa Kanter Curse of the Divine (Ink in the Blood, #2) by Kim SmejkalThe Ex Talk by Rachel Lynn SolomonFresh by Margot Wood (Jessica's Review)Goodbye, Again by Jonny SunThe Host by Stephenie MeyerThe Intimacy Experiment by Rosie DananThe Last Secret You'll Ever Keep by Laurie FariaNever Saw You Coming by Erin HahnThe Night When No One Had Sex by Kalena MillerOne Last Stop by Casey McQuistonPeople We Meet on Vacation by Emily HenrySecond First Impressions by Sally ThorneOf Silver and Shadow by Jennifer GruenkeThe Summer of Broken Rules by K.L. WaltherVerity by Colleen Hoover (Amber's Review)Verity by Colleen Hoover (Jessica's Review)
Where the Rhythm Takes You by Sarah DassYour Life Has Been Delayed by Michelle I. Mason
Where the Rhythm Takes You by Sarah Dass
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