ARC Review: Goodbye, Again by Jonny Sun

Title: Goodbye, Again
Author: Jonny Sun
Publisher: Harper Perennial
Rating: 5/5 Stars
Hardcover, 256 Pages
Publication Date: April 20th, 2021
Summary: Jonny Sun is back with a collection of essays and other writings in his unique, funny, and heartfelt style. The pieces range from long meditations on topics like loneliness and being an outsider, to short humor pieces, conversations, and memorable one-liners. Jonny's honest writings about his struggles with feeling productive, as well as his difficulties with anxiety and depression will connect deeply with his fans as well as anyone attempting to create in our chaotic world. It also features a recipe for scrambled eggs that might make you cry.

I received an ARC of GOODBYE, AGAIN after having read Jonny's debut book a few years ago (which you can read my review of here!), so when I found out that he had another book coming out, I knew that I really wanted to read it. This one was a little bit different -- instead of being a fiction story, this one was a collection of essays, illustrations, and reflections. So when I first picked it up, I was a little bit intimidated because I didn't know if I would enjoy the story, since I'm not really a huge nonfiction reader. However, that ended up not being a worry at all, because I absolutely loved this one and can't stop recommending it to people. So without further ado, let's get into my review! 

As the summary explains, this book is a collection of essays and reflections, as well as Jonny's hand-drawn illustrations. The reflections range on everything from moving out of your apartment, to missing your family, to falling in love, to making scrambled eggs. But even though the essays all vary greatly in their topics, there is a unifying theme of realizing who you are in relation to the world around you. There were moments where I laughed, felt my eyes well up with tears, and sat there dumbfounded at the thought of how something as simple as making eggs could be so profound. This book is truly an artistic treasure! 

I ended up really loving this book, and I thought that it was so touching and sweet. I ended up reading the entire book in less than 24 hours because I just didn't want to put it down, especially since many of the reflections were short pieces that were a page or two long. It was really easy to breeze through, and I also just felt so drawn to the book, because it really brought me a sense of calm and reflection in the middle of a chaotic, busy day. It felt like a warm hug to just be able to curl up with this book and read some reflections, stories, and thoughts from someone who I look up to a lot, and a lot of the things that Jonny says are very poignant and striking that made me think and reflect in ways that I wasn't expecting.

I especially loved the short little reflections that had to do with realizing who you are, as well as love and loss. I picked up this book during the anniversary of a really big loss in my life, so being able to read small snippets about how the people we love aren't truly gone, and the way we leave ourselves behind in all of the places we've ever been, actually made me feel really at peace. This book felt like the hug I didn't know I needed -- like the friend's advice that I didn't ask for but ended up valuing beyond words.

Overall, I think that GOODBYE, AGAIN was such a sweet treasure of a book that everyone should have on their shelves. If you're looking for a quiet, calming book that makes you think about your role in life without overwhelming you, instead making you feel comforted and like you're receiving a warm hug, then this is definitely the read for you. 


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