Top Ten Tuesday: Changes In My Reading Life in 2019!

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl in which we create bookish lists about everything from our favorite characters to love triangles and everything in between!

This week's theme: Changes In My Reading Life in 2019!

1. I can't read for long periods of time anymore. I use to be the kind of person who could sit down for hours at a time and read a full book. Since coming back from my blogging hiatus in 2017 my attention span is pretty short and I find that I can read about a hundred pages before I get super antsy. There have been a couple of books where I can read a lot more of it, but more often then not I'll get antsy. Regardless of how much I am enjoying a book! 

2. My reading time has cut in half. In September I started a new job at Lush as a floor leader. Besides having to learn the ropes of the products and ingredients I also have to learn the floor leading part as well. I been working a lot of hours and learning a lot of things. It also has required me to study a lot because there is so much to memorize. But regardless of that I am extremely happy there and I hope I'll have more reading time once my training is over! 

3. I don't read YA contemporary romance anymore. At least for review copy purposes, I will read a blacklisted one occasionally. It's very rare that I do read a YA contemporary anymore and it's simply because I am no longer the targeted age group for the genre and I can't relate with the characters. Which if I am not going to enjoy it and I know I'm not, why am I going to leave a negative review behind when I know I didn't like it because I am too old for it? It isn't fair to the author or the book. There are a few I will attempt to read though and a few that I have loved. But it has been very far and few in between for me to find one that I enjoy. 

I know that this is only three changes but I couldn't think of anymore! What are some changes in your reading life in 2019!? Leave the link to your Top Ten Tuesday below so I can stop back! 


  1. I relate with you on the reading time. I used to finish books in one sitting, and I used to read every spare minute. But now my head is filled with other things, and so is my schedule. The old days were good haha.
    My TTT:

  2. Great list! I hadn't really noticed that it was YA contemporary that I've stopped reading, because I still sometimes read contemporary. (My go-to is Fantasy always and forever)
    My TTT: Marie @ Pages to Explore

  3. I completely relate to having less time to read. Life gets busy so I squeeze reading in when I can! Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

  4. I'm not reading as much this days either.

    My TTT.

  5. I grab most of my reading time on weekends. It does tend to slow down in the Fall because there are football games to watch and the tv seasons start back up. After January I go into hibernation mode so I hunker down with blankets and books. Thanks for sharing your list!

  6. Congrats on the new job... but having less time to read can suck.

  7. Late congratulations on the new job, sounds great! I hope you will get your reading time back soon enough. I have never really been the type to be able to read a lot in one sitting, but audiobooks help a lot! One of the changes in my reading is mostly that I've figured out more of my reading tastes, which is what I've centered my TTT list around :)

  8. I'm sorry you have lost some of reading time. Maybe it's more quality reading time now, though.

  9. Losing reading time is the worst. I've had where I can't focus on reading for quite as long as I used to either. It comes and goes, but for the most part I just can't. It stinks!


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