5 Tips for Blogging While You're Busy

Are you finding yourself in the same predicament that we are -- trying to juggle blogging with working, school, and other daily life tasks that you have to get done? You're definitely not alone -- we struggled with this a lot back in 2016 when we first started college, and then all over again once we started our graduate school programs this year. But you're in luck -- because after many years of balancing blogging with daily life, we have some tips to share. Bloggers and Bookstagrammers have asked us for these tips in the past, so we decided to share them with you now as well! So without further ado, here are 5 tips for blogging while you're busy:

1. Read in short snippets wherever you can catch the time. When your daily life is as chaotic as ours can be, it's hard to find time to read. But that's what fuels our book blogs, so what can we do about it? We read whenever we can find small snippets of time -- while waiting for our nail appointment, on the walk from class back to our dorm, etc. We also try to read for at least 15-30 minutes before going to sleep every night. It may not seem like a lot, but those small snippets of time where you trade scrolling on Twitter for picking up a book actually adds up, and you'll be finishing books faster than you'd expect!

2. Make it your routine to tap into the book world for at least a few minutes each day. When you're busy, it can be hard to stay in the loop with what's going on in the book community -- and as you all know, stuff is happening there all of the time. So we make it our goal to log on for at least 10 minutes each day, just to interact with our followers, reply to some other posts, etc. It's only ten minutes, but it can go a long way with keeping you in the loop!

3. Schedule a designated "Blog Work Day" each month. We started doing this when we started college, and it has been an absolute godsend. At the end of every month, we pick one day -- usually a weekend day -- to sit down and schedule all of the blog posts for the upcoming month. We buckle down for a few hours and schedule our Top Ten Tuesday posts, our Waiting on Wednesday posts, book tours, posts like this one, etc. That way, throughout the month, all we have to worry about is writing reviews as we finish reading books. It makes the workload a lot less stressful if we just take one afternoon to get all of that big stuff out of the way!

4. Book blitz events can be your best friend! When you're not reading as quickly as you'd like to, it can be hard to generate content. But book blogging doesn't have to just be about reviews -- we also love signing up for book blitz events and spotlight tours, and we also love to share excerpts, host interviews, and even do fun posts like these. So if you find that your reading is slowing down because you're busy, there are plenty of other fun ways to generate content for your site!

5. If it starts feeling like a chore more than it does fun, then there's no shame in taking a break. Sometimes life gets overwhelming and you just need to step away from the computer for a little while. You shouldn't feel a sense of shame or embarrassment if you need to take a little bit of hiatus. It happens at The Book Bratz all of the time! Emily and Amber are both currently on hiatus due to an influx of school work and nursing school clinicals that make it really hard to get blog work done. Your site (and this incredible community!) will always be here waiting for you when you're done taking a break, so there's nothing lost by hitting the pause button for a little bit!

So those are our 5 tips for managing blogging while you have a busy life. Do you have tips of your own to share? Agree or disagree with any of ours? Comment down below and let us know!

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