Blog Tour & Giveaway: These Things I've Done by Rebecca Phillips

Hi guys! Today here on the blog we're a part of the blog tour for These Things I've Done by Rebecca Phillips. I'm super excited to share my review with you guys, as well as an awesome giveaway from the author herself! Without further ado, let's get into it!


Title: These Things I've Done
Author: Rebecca Phillips
Publisher: HarperTeen
My Rating: 4/5 Stars
Hardcover, 352 Pages
Publication Date: August 1st, 2017 (Tomorrow!)

Summary: Before: Dara and Aubrey have been inseparable since they became best friends in sixth grade. However, as they begin their sophomore year of high school, cracks in their friendship begin to form, testing the bond they always thought was unbreakable. After: It's been fifteen months since the accident that killed Aubrey, and not a day goes by that Dara isn't racked with guilt over her role in her best friend's death. Dara thought nothing could be worse than confronting the memories of Aubrey that relentlessly haunt her, but she soon realizes it isn't half as difficult as seeing Ethan, Aubrey's brother, every day. Not just because he's a walking reminder of what she did, but because the more her feelings for him change, the more she knows she's betraying her best friend one final time.

I received an advanced copy of this book for review, and I'm so glad that I did because this book as been on my TBR for quite some time. As the summary explains, Dara played a key role in the accident that took her best friend Aubrey's life almost two years prior to when the story begins, and the story starts with Dara coming back to her hometown and her high school after spending a year away, because things were just too difficult for her. To make matters worse, she's practically being hazed by her peers, because (of course) not everybody knows the true story of what happened that night, and they think that Dara is just a cold-blooded killer. But of course, there's more to that story than what meets the eye. 

And to make matters even worse, when Dara comes back, she starts to fall for Aubrey's brother, Ethan -- also known as the brother of her dead best friend. The brother of her dead best friend that she still has intense guilt over killing, even if the situation was tricky and complicated and not really her fault, although it was in some ways...I'm really trying to explain it without spoiling it for you guys, but I think you're just going to have to read the book for yourself. And why not? It's really good!

I really enjoyed this book! Like I said, I'd been looking forward to this one for awhile, especially because I wanted to delve deeper into Dara's story and what happened between her and Aubrey. The book flip-flops between two time periods (through alternating chapters), switching from present-day to two years ago, the year that Aubrey was killed. There's a lot more to the situation than you'd think, and as I read the book I was delightfully surprised with some plot twists, and even the chapters where you were just learning the history between Dara and Aubrey. And when you finally get to the part that describes what happened the day of the accident...I'll just say that the kids at school were very misguided when it came to their accusations towards Dara, and that there really was a lot more to the story that they realized, and that the rumors they had spread were what had spun the whole thing out of control.

I'm running out of ways to say that this book is really good and interesting and worth reading, so I'm just going to say it -- this book is really good and interesting and worth reading. 

My favorite character in this book was definitely Ethan. He was super sweet and kind (and not to mention cute!), and even when he definitely had reasons to not want to be around Dara or to defend her, there were several instances in which he did so anyway. Because Ethan is just such a great, kind, caring guy, so of course it was just a matter of time before Dara fell in love with him. Even if he was her dead best friend's little brother. So yeah...things between Ethan and Dara definitely got a little complicated, which was interesting to read, and it was even cute and sad at all the right times.

I was also a big fan of Dara because although she had her problems and her demons to battle, you really got an inside look on what it was like for her to deal with her grief and her pain, and to be misunderstood by everybody around her. While the rest of the school was condemning her as a crazy murderer, as a reader I really got to see the inner workings of her mind. She definitely has her ups and downs, both with her family and her friends. And once you actually see what happened that day with her and Aubrey, it definitely opens up your eyes and explains to you whose accusations were right and whose were wrong.

Overall, I really enjoyed These Things I've Done. If this book isn't already on your TBR, it should be, if you're looking for a sort of psychological thriller that crosses over with a romance. Trust me, this book definitely fits the bill. I'll definitely be reading more of Rebecca's work in the future, because I think that she is an excellent writer and storyteller. And I'd also like to extend a huge thank you to Eric for sending me an ARC for review -- without you, I wouldn't have been able to read this great book and get to share it with all of our lovely book friends! <3


Rebecca Phillips was awesome enough to also include a giveaway as a part of this book tour, and that means that you guys have a chance to score some pretty awesome prizes! Enter to win a backpack like the one featured on the cover! Inside, you'll find a journal and pens like Dara's, your own copy of These Things I've Done, and maybe a couple of other little surprises! Giveaway open to US and Canada.

We'd like to once again thank Eric and Rebecca for allowing us to be a part of this blog tour! This was such a great read and I really enjoyed it. Plus we also got to participate in this awesome giveaway for you guys, which we always love doing!

What You Need To Know About Quirk's Upcoming Book Pop!

Hi everybody! We're here today on the blog with Kelsey from Quirk Books, and she's going to explain everything about their online book convention that launches tomorrow, appropriately titled Book Pop! So if you're curious about what the event is, how to participate, and what awesome prizes you can win, stick around and Kelsey will answer all of your questions!

What exactly is Book Pop?

This year Quirk is celebrating its 15-year anniversary and we wanted to come up with a fun way to give back to everyone who has supported us through the years. Book Pop! is our way of saying thanks and it’s also a way for us to bring a comic-con experience to people who might not be able to attend one in real life. We’re going to be hosting online events (we like to think of them as “panels”) where you can interact with authors and have a chance to win some great prizes.

What kind of events are going on?

There is SO much happening over the next two weeks, it’s hard to sum up! One day you might find an author (or two) doing a Facebook Live chat on our page, the next day they could be taking over our Twitter feed or streaming Live on Instagram. We even have a trivia contest happening at the end of the first week. Tomorrow, July 31st, we’ll be announcing the semi-finalists of our cosplay contest.

Some of our authors will also be writing special blog posts for our blog or doing Q&As on other blogs, like Forever Young Adult and Super Space Chick. Each day is bringing something new and fun to the table. It’s been so great to see it all come together over the past couple of months! There’s a full schedule of events (and even an interactive map) on our webpage.

How can I participate in these events?

Since everything is hosted online, all you have to do is check the schedule, visit the website hosting the event, and join in. For Facebook Live events, you can stream them live and comment/ask authors questions. Same for Instagram Live events, and the trivia contest. For Twitter Takeovers and the Twitter party, you just have to hop on Twitter and join in using #BookPop.

On top of all the events, we’re also running a special challenge using code-words that will be announced during all of the events. The more code-words you collect, the more entries you have to win the grand prize.

How long is Book Pop running until?

Book Pop! starts Monday, July 31st and ends on Friday, August 11th.

On the 11th, we’ll announce the winners of the grand prize and the cosplay contest.

Outside of the online events, there are also in-real-life events at bookstores and libraries happening throughout the year.

What kinds of prizes are being given away?

During the live events, we’ll be giving away things like tote bags, as well as prizes from Cards Against Humanity and Roll20.

We’ve also partnered with Cards Against Humanity, Jordandené, Roll20, and Out of Print for the main prizes, and the grand prize winner will get advance access to all of Quirk’s fall books!

The cosplay contest winner will also win a prize from Espionage Cosmetics and Quirk (including a signed copy of Geekerella and advance access to our fall books).

Keep an eye on the Book Pop! page for more information on the prizes ;)

What authors are going to be a part of Book Pop?

So many. We’re really lucky to have such amazing authors at Quirk.

Here’s a full line-up of the authors participating in the live events: Ashley Poston (Geekerella), Sam Maggs (The Fangirl’s Guide to the Galaxy; Wonder Women), Ian Doescher (William Shakespare’s Star Wars series), Grady Hendrix (My Best Friend’s Exorcism; Horrorstor), Fred Van Lente (Ten Dead Comedians), Kim Smith (The X-Files: Earth Children are Weird; E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial), and Jon Morris (The Legion of Regrettable Supervillains).

Additionally, we’ll be hosting blog posts and/or Q&As with Paul Krueger (Last Call at the Nightshade Lounge), Hope Nicholson (The Spectacular Sisterhood of Superwomen), Bonnie Burton (Crafting with Feminism), Cindy Wang (Literary Yarns), Tania Del Rio (Warren the 13th series) and Will Staehle (Warren the 13th series).

How does the cosplay contest work?

We asked folks to submit photos of themselves in their favorite cosplay costumes and will be announcing the semi-finalists tomorrow. (Submissions closed on July 28th.)

On Monday, August 7th, Ashley Poston will be picking the finalists during her Instagram Live chat. We’ll be sharing the finalists on Facebook for you all to vote on!

And the winners will be announced on August 11th. I hope you entered to win!

We'd like to thank Kelsey and the whole team over at Quirk for being so awesome and participating in this guest post to tell our readers all about this awesome upcoming event! There are less than 24 hours on the clock until it's finally time for Book Pop!, and we couldn't be more excited about it. We'll definitely be participating in the panels and events and we have our fingers crossed to be one of the winners of that awesome grand prize!

ARC Review: The Border by Steve Schafer


Title: The Border
Author: Steve Schafer
Publisher: Sourcebooks
My Rating: 4/5 Stars
Hardcover, 360 Pages
Publication Date: September 5th, 2017

Summary: One moment changed their lives forever. A band plays, glasses clink, and four teens sneak into the Mexican desert, the hum of celebration receding behind them. Crack. Crack. Crack. Not fireworks―gunshots. The music stops. And Pato, Arbo, Marcos, and Gladys are powerless as the lives they once knew are taken from them. Then they are seen by the gunmen. They run. Except they have nowhere to go. The narcos responsible for their families' murders have put out a reward for the teens' capture. Staying in Mexico is certain death, but attempting to cross the border through an unforgiving desert may be as deadly as the secrets they are trying to escape...

I received an advanced copy of this book from Sourcebooks in exchange, and I'm honestly so glad that I did. I didn't expect to be so engrossed in this book, but it seriously captivated me from the first word to the last, and I was even disappointed when it was over because I didn't want to end. In my opinion, this was a really, really good book.

As the summary explains, Pato's friends and family happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, and they're the victims of an attack by a drug cartel. (Why did they attack that family party, you ask? You'll just have to read the book to find out.) Only Pato and three of his other friends manage to survive, but then the situation is so dire that they know they can't stay in Mexico anymore -- which means that they have to attempt to cross the border into the U.S. There are several problems with that, though -- they're broke, they're kids, and they have absolutely no idea what they're doing. So this book chronicles their journey across the desert as they struggle to stay alive and reach freedom, battling the many dangerous (and sometimes deadly) obstacles that come their way.

This book really opened my eyes to a lot of things, which I thought was incredibly important and one of the best things about it. Not only did it show me firsthand experience through the eyes of Pato about the struggles and dangers that people in Mexico face every single day in their drug wars, but it also showed how dangerous and deadly crossing the U.S. border really is. I feel like there are a lot of people that think people from Mexico just hop through a hole in a fence and waltz around in America, immediately getting jobs and good lives and "taking away from hardworking Americans." (For the record, I completely disagree with this line of thought.) But what this book really demonstrates is how much hard work, heartbreak, and sacrifice goes into gaining just a small slice of freedom that American citizens are blessed with as their birthright and never have to work for at all. And once these immigrants get to the United States...things aren't pretty, or simple, and people are just doing what they have to do to survive, just like anybody else.

A character that I really liked in this book was Gladys. Not only was she adorable and funny and creative, but she was such a good soul and kept the group together and grounded through all of the hardships they faced. Even when times were grim and some pretty terrible things were happening. Gladys and her good heart kept everything at least semi-positive and she refused to give up even when I definitely would have, and when her companions definitely wanted to. She was a good soul throughout the entire book, and she was funny and sweet and artistic and I can definitely see why Pato liked her as much as he did. 

(Minor spoilers ahead so please skip to the next paragraph if you don't want this book spoiled for you!) The only thing about this book that I wasn't crazy about was the ending, in the sense that I was left with so many questions that I didn't even remotely have answers to. Where did Marco go? Did they end up being captured? What happened when they got to Denver? And to Sr. Ortiz? And do they ever contact his children? What about Tito? There was just so much that I didn't know that I wish I did, and I was left with sooo many questions. But other than that, I really don't have any other complaints about the book. That's really it.

Overall, I really enjoyed The Border. While the premise sounded interesting, I didn't expect to be sucked in so quickly, but before I knew it, I was unable to put the book down. Not only was the story itself so gripping, but Steve Schafer is such an excellent writer that his words leaving you wanting more and more. If this book isn't on your TBR yet, I definitely recommend adding it -- because even if you read the summary and think the book isn't your cup of tea, it's worth a shot, because if you're like me, you'll be delightfully surprised, and gasping with every turn of the page.

Seriously guys. So many plot twists.

I'm so glad that I got the chance to review The Border, and if you get the chance, I definitely recommend you do it too! I'm looking forward to reading more from Steve Schafer in the future after this book, that's for sure.

Guest Post: Temple West Talks Inspiration

Hi guys! We have a fun little treat for you guys here on the blog today -- Temple West, author of Velvet and Cashmere, is here to talk inspiration! She's super creative when it comes to both writing and turning pieces from thrift stores into works of art, so we couldn't imagine a better topic for her to come here and talk about. Without further ado, it's time to give the (metaphorical) floor to Temple!

Temple West


There have been many an article written about pantsing versus plotting. Since I fit neatly into neither category, I have created a third category: plontsing. Sometimes I pants, sometimes I plots. (Neither of those words needed an “s” but it sounded way more fun.)

When I was younger, I wrote whenever inspiration struck, which was virtually every day. I had this lovely thing called “free time” on my hands as well as “summer vacation” and “Christmas vacation” and “weekends.” Rent, bills, student loan payments — those were all problems for the future. I was living in blissful adolescence; the golden years where my worst conundrum was wondering how long I could go before the smell of my overflowing hamper forced me to do laundry.

Back then, inspiration was all around. I lived on a greenbelt; a strip of forest surrounded by houses, and its wild greenery offered up endless storylines. When I was even younger, I lived in the desert, where the mountains stuck up out of the cracked terrain like the rusted bones of ancient war-gods. Sunlight slanting through the windows looked like misting gold; rotting two-by-fours in the scum-covered pond like the moldering decks of long-lost ships; maggot-infested possums like the spoils of gruesome battle between feuding rodent clans.

Now I go to work. I put gas in my car, and commute. I pay for health insurance, and car insurance, and my credit card, and my Adobe Creative Suite subscription, and Dropbox subscription, and Vimeo subscription, and Hulu subscription, and Dollar Shave Club subscription, and iPhone storage, and… 

My day is eaten up so quickly now. By the time I’ve taken care of the essentials, I have so little energy left to observe the world, let alone write about it. I don’t notice the light slanting through the windows like misting gold. I drive around the maggot-infested road kill and through the desert mountains on autopilot, trying to get from Point A to Point B. I pay my bills, then worry about paying my bills again the next month (and the next, and the next). No one warns you how quickly you become tired when you grow up.

So now, I have to hunt down inspiration. I have to make the space to find it, or to let it find me. Sometimes this is as simple as snapping awake at the meter while I’m waiting to merge onto the freeway on my way to work, noticing how the green and red lights shimmer through the foggy rain. Sometimes it’s ditching my hair and make up and going to Goodwill in my sweatpants, feasting my eyes on the antique silver butter dishes and massive, gold-framed oil paintings and ornate vintage wedding dresses. Sometimes it’s driving to the cliff in Edmonds and just watching the sea; the light shifting through the clouds in sheets, piercing the water, then retreating.

And sometimes, instead of binge-watching Star Trek: Voyager, I go to bed early so I can wake up early so I can tell stories. And sometimes, in the dark and quiet of the morning, I find the right words to capture the insane beauty of the world.


Once again, we'd just like to thank Temple West for being sweet enough to guest post on our blog! It was so great having her here and we always love working with her, so we couldn't think of a better fit for our first author to do a guest post here with us. :-) I totally agree with everything she said (especially how quickly time slips away from you when you're an adult)

What'd you think of today's post? Have any questions for us or Temple? Leave a comment down below! 

Waiting On Wednesday: Jane, Unlimited by Kristin Cashore

"Waiting On Wednesday" is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking The Spine where we highlight some of the upcoming books we can't wait to read!

Emily's Waiting on:

Title: Jane, Unlimited
Author: Kristin Cashore
Genre: YA fantasy
Publisher: Kathy Dawson Books 
Publication Date: Sept. 19th, 2017

Summary: Jane has lived an ordinary life, raised by her aunt Magnolia—an adjunct professor and deep sea photographer. Jane counted on Magnolia to make the world feel expansive and to turn life into an adventure. But Aunt Magnolia was lost a few months ago in Antarctica on one of her expeditions.
Now, with no direction, a year out of high school, and obsessed with making umbrellas that look like her own dreams (but mostly just mourning her aunt), she is easily swept away by Kiran Thrash—a glamorous, capricious acquaintance who shows up and asks Jane to accompany her to a gala at her family's island mansion called Tu Reviens.
Jane remembers her aunt telling her: "If anyone ever invites to you to Tu Reviens, promise me that you'll go." With nothing but a trunkful of umbrella parts to her name, Jane ventures out to the Thrash estate. Then her story takes a turn, or rather, five turns. What Jane doesn't know is that Tu Reviens will offer her choices that can ultimately determine the course of her untethered life. But at Tu Reviens, every choice comes with a reward, or a price.
I received an ARC of this at BookCon and cannot wait to start reading this. I'm excited to find out the events that will unfold at Tu Reviens. I'm also curious about Jane's umbrella making obsession and hoping it leads to something interesting. Be sue to look back soon for my ARC review and after it's published, let us know your opinions!

What are you waiting on this week? Leave your links so we can stop back!

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Hunted Fate by Jennifer Derrick

Hunted Fate
Jennifer Derrick
(Threads of the Moirae, #3)
Published by: Clean Teen Publishing
Publication date: July 24th 2017
Genres: Mythology, Romance, Young Adult

Alex and Atropos have taken refuge at an abandoned mountain resort compound. Atropos is a wanted woman in hiding, and the downtime with her soul mate is a nice change of pace. But the peace will be short-lived. The authorities are after her for her role in the attack on the city of Charlotte. Zeus has put a bounty on her head. There’s also a war to prepare for—and if she wins, the gods will be deposed once and for all. But first she needs to track down Gaia, and even that won’t be simple. Gaia resides at the bottom of the ocean, and the humans and gods are already hot on Atropos’ trail…
A heart-pounding romantic adventure where Greek mythology and modern-day life collide, Hunted Fate is the third book in the epic Threads of the Moirae series by Jennifer Derrick.
Previous books in the series:

Grab book 1 – Broken Fate – for FREE!
“We need whoever provides security around here. Or Hades. They’re bound to be the ones who can open this. If we can find them, we can drag them down here and slap their hand on this thing to get it open,” Alex says.
“We need another way,” Sara says, shaking her head. “We haven’t seen a single person since we got here. It’s too time consuming to track them down. And we’ll never get Hades.”
“Anyone know of any other ways to crack a palm plate?” I ask.
“Short of finding a valid fingerprint and going through an awful lot of steps to create a fake finger, the only other way is to break down the software controlling it,” Alex says.
“Are any of you hackers?”
Alex raises his hand.
“You can hack this?” I ask. “I didn’t know you were a hacker.”
“I’m not. But there isn’t a lot to do when you’re stuck at home with a terminal disease or trapped in a crappy boarding school. I taught myself a few things, made a few online friends who were a little shady. Depending on how sophisticated the software is, I might be able to crack it.”
“Would it be controlled from the computer out front?”
“It might be. Or it might be controlled from a central server that’s who knows where. No way to know without looking,” he says.
“That computer is password protected. If you try to force it, you may set off alarms.”
“Then I’ll have to be careful,” he says, heading back to the lobby.
We follow and gather around the desk while he works. The keys clack under his fingers as he mutters instructions to himself.
“Okay, I’m in the system,” he says. “While I’m here, I’m going to shut down those security cameras. No need for everyone to know where we are.”
The TV feed blinks and is gone.
He keeps typing and clicking and muttering. The rest of us sit down on the floor and wait. There’s nothing we can do.
“Huh. That could be tricky,” he says.
“What?” I ask, getting up and going around the desk so I can see his screen. Not that the gibberish there means squat to me.
“The system that controls the fingerprint scanners also controls the card locks. Worse, it’s not separated by floor. I’m not good enough to bring down only one piece of the system. It’s all or nothing.”
“What’s the problem?” I ask.
“It means that the only thing standing between us and whatever is behind those cell doors is the hope that none of them try the doors. If the inmates figure out the doors are open, then security will be the least of our problems. All of them could walk right out of here.”
“Do it,” I tell him. “It’s not like we’ll be broadcasting the locks are down. No one will notice. Hopefully.”
“Okay,” he says and goes back to pounding on the keys.
After a few minutes, the computer beeps and Alex pushes away from it.
“Done,” he says.
The words are barely out of his mouth when a series of small pops echoes around the room. They sound like they’re both surrounding us and simultaneously heading away from us.
“Aw, shit,” I say. “The locks. We forgot they make noise! We are idiots. Come on,” I say, racing for the doors on the right.
We slam through the doors and pull up in front of door number four. No one is coming into the hall yet. I’m hoping the inmates think it’s a trap and are too intimidated to try their doors. Either that or they didn’t hear the locks release. Please, just let me get out of here before hell literally opens, I think.

Author Bio:
Jennifer is a freelance writer and novelist. As a freelancer, she writes everything from technical manuals to articles on personal finance and European-style board games. Her interest in storytelling began when she was six and her parents gave her a typewriter for Christmas and agreed to pay her $.01 per page for any stories she churned out. Such a loose payment system naturally led to a lot of story padding. Broken Fate, her first novel, earned her $2.80 from her parents.
Jennifer lives in North Carolina and, when not writing, can often be found reading, trawling the shelves at the library, playing board games, watching sports, camping, running marathons, and playing with her dog. You can visit her at her official


We'd like to thank the lovely team over at Xpresso for allowing us to be a part of this book tour! This giveaway and this book both seem super awesome and intriguing, and we can't wait to add this book to our TBR. Not to mention the fact that the excerpt is super captivating! 


ARC Review: Little & Lion by Brandy Colbert

Title: Little & Lion
Author: Brandy Colbert
Publisher: Little, Brown
My Rating: 4/5 Stars
Hardcover, 336 Pages
Published August 2017

Summary: When Suzette comes home to Los Angeles from her boarding school in New England, she isn't sure if she'll ever want to go back. L.A. is where her friends and family are (along with her crush, Emil). And her stepbrother, Lionel, who has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, needs her emotional support. But as she settles into her old life, Suzette finds herself falling for someone new...the same girl her brother is in love with. When Lionel's disorder spirals out of control, Suzette is forced to confront her past mistakes and find a way to help her brother before he hurts himself--or worse.


I received an advanced copy of this book at BookCon, and I'm not even ashamed to admit that I had total cover lust with this one, and that's what originally drew me to it when I had my choice of books to select as a prize for a spin-the-wheel game. And then when I read the summary, I was definitely drawn in -- because you guys, this book covers so many important topics and subjects and it was just an eye-opening experience on so many levels that I really appreciated and enjoyed reading about.

So, the summary of this book doesn't even remotely begin to cover all of the important topics that this story discusses. For starters, Little & Lion are both siblings in an "unconventional" family, Little and her mother being black, and Lionel and his father being white. In addition to having to answer question after question about her relationship with her brother, Suzette (dubbed "Little" by Lionel himself) is also Jewish. And bisexual...or at least, that's what she's contemplating when we get to the start of the book. She's not exactly rushing to put a label on her feelings, which she hasn't even figured out for herself yet. And to top it off, Lion has bipolar disorder -- which is the reason that she ends up being sent away to a boarding school. (Which is explained in depth in the book, but I won't be spoiling that for you here today!!)

What I really enjoyed about this book was how many important topics that it covered. In just 320-ish pages, Brandy Colbert managed to dig deep into family ties, expression of religion, sexuality (and the feelings and fear behind questioning it), sibling/friend loyalty, polyamory, race, and mental illness. Each character in this book has some sort of rich, important story, which will help the reader delve deeper into one of the aforementioned topics. Not only did I find it interesting to see all of these topics incorporated into one incredible story, but I also learned some things about each of them that I haven't previously known before.

If I had to choose, I'd definitely say that my favorite character in this book was Little. Even though she found herself in some tough situations that required making some undesirable choices (many of which she ended up regretting later, but some which she did not), she faced the consequences head on and just seemed so brave, and, most importantly, so genuine. I could really see myself being friends with somebody like Little. And the relationship she had with her family and her brother? I envy it. I have multiple siblings, but none of us are as close to one another as Little & Lion are.

I also really enjoyed Lion's character as well. For starters, he is a total book nerd, which my heart goes out to (as I'm sure yours does too, since you're on a book blog reading a book review). I also feel that Brandy Colbert did a great job of portraying the ups and downs of his mental illness without making it seem too theatric or fake. Even his episodes, as scary as they were, seemed genuine and real and had me on the edge of my seat. 

Emil was another great character in this book. (Minor spoilers ahead so skip to the next paragraph if you don't want anything spoiled for you!) He was always so kind and calm and compassionate, and level-headed when the situation called for it. He was also super sweet and a total gentleman to Little, which made my heart melt every single time. I shipped the two of them from the beginning (oh, my fangirl heart), and I was actually pretty pleased when the book didn't end the way I was expecting it to. (But how did it end, exactly? You'll just have to read the book to find out!)

Overall, I really enjoyed Little & Lion. If you asked me what category to stick this book into, I'd honestly have a hard time telling you, since it fits into so many important realms in YA lit. If this book isn't on your TBR already, it definitely needs to be (and I know I say that a lot, but I seriously mean it this time!), because this book will cover so many important topics, from relationships to romance to friendship and family to even mental illness. Seriously, this book leaves no stone left unturned and I was incredibly surprised (and grateful) for it.

So hats off to Brandy Colbert, because I really enjoyed this one. I'm looking forward to reading more books from her in the future! 

Release Week Blitz: Meet Me Under The Stars by KD Proctor!


Copy of image1.JPG

Author: KD Proctor
Genre: NA Romance
Release Date: July 18, 2017
Publisher: BookFish Books (
Cover Designer: Anita B. Carroll, Race-Point US (  

About the Book...

When ratings for her popular DIY show start to circle the drain after the sudden death of her sister, Charlotte “Charlie” Conti has only one mission—to plan a comeback. But her sister had other plans. As part of the will, Charlie must work with *him*  to create a memorial scholarship in her sister’s memory. The same *him*  Charlie fell in love with three years ago while working at a summer camp.

The same *him* she dumped to protect his heart.
Sexy British player, Nate Walsh, has sixty days to find a new job or he’ll be deported back to England where he’s no longer welcome. He doesn’t have time to work on a memorial scholarship with *her*. The same *her*  who shattered his heart without explanation or warning.
The same *her*  he’s never gotten over.
Unable to agree on a benefactor for the scholarship, Nate and Charlie challenge each other to a winner-takes-all competition. They both know the only way to win is to turn up the heat and tease one another with the one thing they both want: each other. But as sparks fly, their true feelings resurface. Nate and Charlie must decide if their love is worth the effort or if they'll allow their disastrous past mistakes to destroy their chance at forever.


About the Author…

KD Proctor loved college so much that when it came time to graduate, she didn’t want to leave.  Trading in her textbooks for student handbooks and policy manuals, she began a career in College Student Personnel and she fulfilled her wish to stay on a college campus forever.  She always joked that one day she’d write a book about college students, never expecting that to come true!

KD lives in West Central, Minnesota with her husband and fur-kids.  She likes to write fun twists on the usual tropes that we all love. Her characters are smart, funny, and always swoony.  And yes. They always get their happily ever after.

Before being accepted for publication, MEET ME UNDER THE STARS (formerly titled IF YOU'RE EVER IN TOWN) was the 2016 YARWA winner for the New Adult category.

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We'd like to thank the lovely team over at BookFish for including us in another spectacular blitz! Based on the teasers alone, the book is definitely something that we want to be checking out. If this book isn't on your TBR, add it ASAP -- because we are, too!