Title: These Things I've Done
Author: Rebecca Phillips
Publisher: HarperTeen
My Rating: 4/5 Stars
Hardcover, 352 Pages
Publication Date: August 1st, 2017 (Tomorrow!)
Summary: Before: Dara and Aubrey have been inseparable since they became best friends in sixth grade. However, as they begin their sophomore year of high school, cracks in their friendship begin to form, testing the bond they always thought was unbreakable. After: It's been fifteen months since the accident that killed Aubrey, and not a day goes by that Dara isn't racked with guilt over her role in her best friend's death. Dara thought nothing could be worse than confronting the memories of Aubrey that relentlessly haunt her, but she soon realizes it isn't half as difficult as seeing Ethan, Aubrey's brother, every day. Not just because he's a walking reminder of what she did, but because the more her feelings for him change, the more she knows she's betraying her best friend one final time.

And to make matters even worse, when Dara comes back, she starts to fall for Aubrey's brother, Ethan -- also known as the brother of her dead best friend. The brother of her dead best friend that she still has intense guilt over killing, even if the situation was tricky and complicated and not really her fault, although it was in some ways...I'm really trying to explain it without spoiling it for you guys, but I think you're just going to have to read the book for yourself. And why not? It's really good!
I really enjoyed this book! Like I said, I'd been looking forward to this one for awhile, especially because I wanted to delve deeper into Dara's story and what happened between her and Aubrey. The book flip-flops between two time periods (through alternating chapters), switching from present-day to two years ago, the year that Aubrey was killed. There's a lot more to the situation than you'd think, and as I read the book I was delightfully surprised with some plot twists, and even the chapters where you were just learning the history between Dara and Aubrey. And when you finally get to the part that describes what happened the day of the accident...I'll just say that the kids at school were very misguided when it came to their accusations towards Dara, and that there really was a lot more to the story that they realized, and that the rumors they had spread were what had spun the whole thing out of control.
I'm running out of ways to say that this book is really good and interesting and worth reading, so I'm just going to say it -- this book is really good and interesting and worth reading.
My favorite character in this book was definitely Ethan. He was super sweet and kind (and not to mention cute!), and even when he definitely had reasons to not want to be around Dara or to defend her, there were several instances in which he did so anyway. Because Ethan is just such a great, kind, caring guy, so of course it was just a matter of time before Dara fell in love with him. Even if he was her dead best friend's little brother. So yeah...things between Ethan and Dara definitely got a little complicated, which was interesting to read, and it was even cute and sad at all the right times.
I was also a big fan of Dara because although she had her problems and her demons to battle, you really got an inside look on what it was like for her to deal with her grief and her pain, and to be misunderstood by everybody around her. While the rest of the school was condemning her as a crazy murderer, as a reader I really got to see the inner workings of her mind. She definitely has her ups and downs, both with her family and her friends. And once you actually see what happened that day with her and Aubrey, it definitely opens up your eyes and explains to you whose accusations were right and whose were wrong.
Overall, I really enjoyed These Things I've Done. If this book isn't already on your TBR, it should be, if you're looking for a sort of psychological thriller that crosses over with a romance. Trust me, this book definitely fits the bill. I'll definitely be reading more of Rebecca's work in the future, because I think that she is an excellent writer and storyteller. And I'd also like to extend a huge thank you to Eric for sending me an ARC for review -- without you, I wouldn't have been able to read this great book and get to share it with all of our lovely book friends! <3

Rebecca Phillips was awesome enough to also include a giveaway as a part of this book tour, and that means that you guys have a chance to score some pretty awesome prizes! Enter to win a backpack like the one featured on the cover! Inside, you'll find a journal and pens like Dara's, your own copy of These Things I've Done, and maybe a couple of other little surprises! Giveaway open to US and Canada.
We'd like to once again thank Eric and Rebecca for allowing us to be a part of this blog tour! This was such a great read and I really enjoyed it. Plus we also got to participate in this awesome giveaway for you guys, which we always love doing!