Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl in which we create bookish lists about everything from our favorite characters to love triangles and everything in between!
This Week's Theme: Books On My Fall 2020 TBR
Today's post is all about the books on my fall TBR, and let me tell you, I have *so* many that I want to get through! Instead of ranking them all, though, I'm going to just group them all in a little mosaic here, since these ten books are all on a TBR stack on my bookshelf and I don't have a specific order of which I want to read first (other than MAJESTY, of course, which I plan on diving into ASAP), so I'm going to definitely get these ten books read this fall, even if I don't exactly know the order!

So those are ten books that are on my fall TBR -- what are yours? Did you read any of the ones on my list, and if so, what did you think about them? Comment down below and make sure to leave your own TTT link so I can pop by and visit!
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