Stacking the Shelves #12: I broke my book buying ban already

Stacking the Shelves is a book meme created and is being hosted every Saturday by Tynga’s Reviews. This is the chance to showcase all the books you have bought and added to your shelves!

For Review:

This was a really awesome suprise! I already managed to devour it. It was AMAZING! Thanks Scholastic!


I had too by these. They were cheap and they were pretty. (Plus I really want to read them!) 

Books Read:
Seige and Storm by Leigh Bardugo (4 Stars) 
The Sin Eater's Daughter by Melinda Salisbury (5 Stars) 
Breathe by Abbi Glines (3 Stars)
Because of Low by Abbi Glines (4 Stars)

*All reviews coming up next week!* 


Blog Posts: 

 So, how did this week go? What did you get? 


  1. I can never stick to my book buying ban. Frostfire is beautiful indeed. I got it as well.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  2. YAY for awesome books! AND YAY for The Sin Eater's Daughter being awesome! I'm so excited to get my hands on it!

    Happy reading Amber! And buying books that are very cheap almost doesn't count as breaking the book buying ban!

  3. I want to read The Sin Eater's Daughter!! Enjoy!

    Come and check out OUaT's STS !


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