Spotlight Post: In a Nutshell by Cindy Dorminy!

Hi everyone! Today on the blog, we have a spotlight post for IN A NUTSHELL by Cindy Dorminy, a fabulous author that we've very much enjoying working with in the past. This seems like an exciting romance story that we're very excited to share. So without further ado, let's get into it!


Title: In a Nutshell
Author: Cindy Dorminy
Publisher: Red Adept Publishing
Paperback, 234 Pages
Published June 2021

 Summary: Mitchell Sorrow wallows in a major funk after his decades-long crush leaves town for good. Intent on powering through, he throws himself into his work as an EMT at Smithville Regional Hospital. He'll steer clear of women, especially those who love their careers more than people. Jackie Myers, chief development officer at a hospital association, is determined to climb the corporate ladder. The best way to do that is to show upper management she's capable of making tough decisions, such as closing a fledgling rural hospital. When she's assigned to visit Smithville under the guise of writing an article about small-town life, she'll easily assess how dire the hospital situation really is. After suffering an allergic reaction at the fall festival, Jackie blabs the true reason for her visit. Desperate to save the hospital, Mitch agrees to a deal. In exchange for keeping her secret, he gets one week to convince her the hospital is essential. But the more time they spend together, the more complicated things become. Mitch begins to open his heart, and Jackie's decision becomes nearly impossible. He may never forgive her, and she'll lose the only guy who can take her breath away - no Epipen required.

 Get IN A NUTSHELL: Apple / Kobo / Google / Barnes & Noble / Amazon


After several decades of writing medical research documents, Cindy decided to switch gears and write stories where the chances of happy endings are 100% and the side effects include satisfied sighs, permanent smiles, and a chuckle or two. She writes romance novels with a slice of humor that range from historical romance to southern fried romantic comedies. Her light adult romances are published through Red Adept Publishing. 
Keep up with Cindy: Goodreads / Twitter / Website / Instagram

We'd like to thank Cindy for having us share this spotlight today -- if you're interested in IN A NUTSHELL, don't forget to add it to your TBR!

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