Who's Participating in NaNoWriMo This Year?

Happy November! For any of the writers out there, you know exactly what that means -- it's time for National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo)! We've been participating every year for almost a decade now, and we're so excited to jump into it again. Which means it's time for our annual question: who's participating in NaNoWriMo this year?

Is this your first year? Are you a returning Wrimo? Are you doing a "lighter" version of it this year? Instead of drafting a brand new novel, I'm going to use this year's NaNo to work on revisions of my thesis novel for my MFA program. I know that's not technically the "rules," but NaNo can be whatever you want it to be! 

So, how's the first week of NaNo going for you? Are you reading this and deciding to jump in? Do you have questions about the process? Comment down below and let us know everything you want to know about, and we'd love to answer!

Power to the writers this month -- use that leftover Halloween candy as fuel! 

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