Author: J.R.R. Tolkien
Rating: 5/5 Stars
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin
Paperback, 372 Pages
First Published September 1937

Rating: 5/5 Stars
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin
Paperback, 372 Pages
First Published September 1937

Summary: Written for J.R.R. Tolkien’s own children, The Hobbit met with instant critical acclaim when it was first published in 1937. Now recognized as a timeless classic, this introduction to the hobbit Bilbo Baggins, the wizard Gandalf, Gollum, and the spectacular world of Middle-earth recounts of the adventures of a reluctant hero, a powerful and dangerous ring, and the cruel dragon Smaug the Magnificent. The text in this 372-page paperback edition is based on that first published in Great Britain by Collins Modern Classics (1998), and includes a note on the text by Douglas A. Anderson (2001). Unforgettable!
Today on the blog we have a guest review from Sadie over at Sadie B. Writer! She was kind enough to stop by and review The Hobbit -- an old-time classic -- and share her thoughts on it, and we couldn't be more excited to have her! So without further ado, let's get into it!

My father first introduced me to the book when I was just five years old. He read The Hobbit to me as my bedtime story, and I was immediately hooked. Today, I re-read The Hobbit a few times every year from the same battered book my father used to read it to me. I’ve fallen head-over-heels in love with the characters, creatures, and specifically the cultures of Middle-Earth. Tolkien’s worlds are a big part of my life, and I love sharing my fascination of his works with others. I hope you enjoy my review of J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit, and if you have any questions about the book, don’t hesitate to ask me!
One day, by chance (or by the will of a Wizard), quiet Mr. Baggins is asked to be the thirteenth member of a company of Dwarves setting out to reclaim their homeland of Erebor stolen by the dragon Smaug.
Smaug has not been seen for over forty years, and the peoples inhabiting Middle-Earth knew of the vast treasure that the dragon had horded. Bilbo reluctantly agrees to be the final member of the company and finds himself an unlikely adventurer on a journey to take back Erebor.
Bilbo is out of his element. Going on a long trip with twelve messy, smelly Dwarves is not his idea of a good time. The group endures many hardships at the hands of Mirkwood elves, giant spiders, Orcs, and trolls (who want to squash them into jelly); all trying to stop the company from reaching Erebor and the dragon’s gold.
On the way, Bilbo accidently stumbles upon a tiny object: a gold ring. After being hunted down by the creature Gollum – who was trying to kill Bilbo for stealing his Ring – Bilbo uses the Ring to escape the caves and re-join the Dwarves. Gandalf suspects Bilbo of having found a magic ring, and eventually confirms his suspicions in The Hobbit’s follow-up book, Fellowship of the Ring. This Ring will eventually interfere in the lives of many, and will change Middle-Earth forever.
Packed with incredible descriptions, witty dialogue, and unique characters, The Hobbit is a book I recommend to everyone, regardless of whether of not they have seen the recent movie trilogy. Keep an open mind, and don’t judge The Hobbit on its movie; instead, read the book and see just how different the two are. Author J. R. R. Tolkien, influenced by his best friend and fellow writer C. S. Lewis, originally wrote The Hobbit to be a children’s book, but today, both adults and children alike find themselves captivated by this timeless, classic story of Bilbo Baggins and his unexpected adventure.
I hope you enjoyed my review! Don’t forget to check out my blog for more YA book reviews and geeky ramblings.
[Portions of this review were previously published in TVO ©]
“In a hole in the ground, there lived a Hobbit. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole full of worms and oozy smells. This was a Hobbit-hole, and that means good food, a warm hearth, and all the comforts of home.”Homebody Bilbo Baggins is a Hobbit of the Shire, in the realm of Middle-Earth. Hobbits are respectable folk, and are known for their love of peace and quiet. They never do anything unexpected and nothing unexpected ever happens to them.
One day, by chance (or by the will of a Wizard), quiet Mr. Baggins is asked to be the thirteenth member of a company of Dwarves setting out to reclaim their homeland of Erebor stolen by the dragon Smaug.
Smaug has not been seen for over forty years, and the peoples inhabiting Middle-Earth knew of the vast treasure that the dragon had horded. Bilbo reluctantly agrees to be the final member of the company and finds himself an unlikely adventurer on a journey to take back Erebor.
Bilbo is out of his element. Going on a long trip with twelve messy, smelly Dwarves is not his idea of a good time. The group endures many hardships at the hands of Mirkwood elves, giant spiders, Orcs, and trolls (who want to squash them into jelly); all trying to stop the company from reaching Erebor and the dragon’s gold.
On the way, Bilbo accidently stumbles upon a tiny object: a gold ring. After being hunted down by the creature Gollum – who was trying to kill Bilbo for stealing his Ring – Bilbo uses the Ring to escape the caves and re-join the Dwarves. Gandalf suspects Bilbo of having found a magic ring, and eventually confirms his suspicions in The Hobbit’s follow-up book, Fellowship of the Ring. This Ring will eventually interfere in the lives of many, and will change Middle-Earth forever.
Packed with incredible descriptions, witty dialogue, and unique characters, The Hobbit is a book I recommend to everyone, regardless of whether of not they have seen the recent movie trilogy. Keep an open mind, and don’t judge The Hobbit on its movie; instead, read the book and see just how different the two are. Author J. R. R. Tolkien, influenced by his best friend and fellow writer C. S. Lewis, originally wrote The Hobbit to be a children’s book, but today, both adults and children alike find themselves captivated by this timeless, classic story of Bilbo Baggins and his unexpected adventure.
I hope you enjoyed my review! Don’t forget to check out my blog for more YA book reviews and geeky ramblings.
[Portions of this review were previously published in TVO ©]

We'd like to once again thank Sadie for stopping by The Book Bratz today to post this guest review. You can read more original content over on her blog!

** Psst! Interested in guest reviewing on The Book Bratz? Shoot us an email at thebookbratz@gmail.com or DM us on Twitter (@thebookbratz) and we'd love to have you!