Author: Danielle Vega
Genre: Mystery, Paranormal, Horror
Publisher: Razorbill
Publication Date: June 4th 2019

From Danielle Vega, YA’s answer to Stephen King, comes a new paranormal novel about dark family secrets, deep-seated vengeance, and the horrifying truth that evil often lurks in the unlikeliest of places. Hendricks Becker-O’Malley is new in town, and she’s bringing baggage with her. With a dark and wild past, Hendricks doesn’t think the small town her parents moved her to has much to offer her in terms of excitement. She plans on laying low, but when she’s suddenly welcomed into the popular crowd at school, things don’t go as expected. Hendricks learns from her new friends that the fixer-upper her parents are so excited about is notorious in town. Local legend says it’s haunted. Hendricks doesn’t believe it. Until she’s forced to. Blood-curdling screams erupt from the basement, her little brother wakes up covered in scratches, and something, or someone pushes her dad down the stairs. With help from the mysterious boy next door, Hendricks makes it her mission to take down the ghosts . . . if they don’t take her first.
It's spooky month so it is time for another horror novel review! I was super excited when I learned about The Haunted and couldn't wait for it to be published so I can finally get my hands on it to read it. Though I enjoyed The Haunted I did have issues with it.
- The Haunted is creepy, there we so many scenes that gave me goose bumps. It also was a book that I shouldn't have been reading at 3a.m. but it's the witching hour, so it is actually perfect timing!
- The Haunted reminded me of your run of the mill horror movie. Girl learns her new house is haunted, starts to experience weird things, enlists the help of the dark and moody boy, tries to cleanse the house and then everything explodes. Then it had the typical horror movie ending.
- The love triangle (if it could be called that?) was a little weird. I feel like Hendricks leads Connor on though she really isn't that into him, but by the end of the novel they relationship and friendship status isn't really clarified. Which I mean considering the climax of the novel I understand why. But I feel like once Kendricks had acknowledged her feelings her Eddie, she never gave Connor a second thought. But the romance with Eddie was really insta-lovey, but it was essential to the plot. But meh. Not the biggest fan of it.
- I will admit though I wasn't the biggest fan of the romance, the resolution of the book and the last chapter did make me tear up. If you are looking for a happily ever after, this book isn't going to be for you.
- Kendricks back story felt real and authentic and is something that many young girls go through, so it was interesting to see the aftermath and how Kendricks dealt with it. Especially since her parents dismiss her concerns as PTSD.
- The big plot revaluation kind of felt random and not well planned out? It was interesting yes, but there was nothing that made you suspect it. Like, we meet the character for one page once. I feel like Kendricks randomly came to this conclusion and ran with it. Then the random skeletons popping out of the ground? Okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.
Overall The Haunted was a quick read that kept me turning the pages because I wanted to know how it ended. Though I did have my issues with The Haunted I did enjoy it, its a spooky stand alone that is perfect for this time of the year.

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