Hi guys! It's been a busy month as we all got adjusted to college, so our blog work has been slowing down a little bit. We're back now, though, because we finally got into the swing of things, so we just wanted to give you guys some updates!
First, we're all going to be talking about our college experiences from time to time! Being that all three of us go to different schools, we all have different stories and experiences to share, so from time to time you may see a post on the blog called The College Diaries. In addition to talking about blogging, we'll be discussing some of our college adventures from time to time as well. (You can check out Emily and Amber's first installments already!)
Second, we won't be posting as frequently as we used to for the time being, but we'll still be consistent! We used to post every single day, every day of the week, every month. We eventually want to get back to filling our schedules each week, but for now we're all definitely sticking to doing one post per girl per week -- which means we will definitely have at least three posts up each week, one from each of us. This won't be all, though -- whenever we have other posts, we'll be putting those up too!
So that's it -- we just wanted to update you all and let you know the current status of things. College is a huge adjustment, and it took us some time, but we're slowly but surely finding blogging time that works. So be on the lookout for more content, more conversation, and (everyone's favorite) more giveaways. (Speaking of which, when we hit 3K followers on Twitter, we have a big one planned, so make sure to follow us to help us get there to unlock the contest!)
Have a great Wednesday, and read tons of awesome books! (And let us know what you're reading in the comments down below!)

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