Excerpt: Kissing Games by Tara Eglington!

Hi everyone! Today on the blog, we have something pretty exciting -- an excerpt of Kissing Games by Tara Eglington! Let's check it out!



Title: Kissing Games
Author: Tara Eglington
Publisher: Wednesday Books
Hardcover, 320 Pages
Publication Date: June 5th, 2018
Summary: The course of true love never did run smooth. For a girl who shares her name with a princess (a.k.a Aurora from Sleeping Beauty) Aurora Skye’s life seem fathoms away from a fairytale. Sure, she’s landed Hayden Paris, Potential Prince extraordinaire. And she got her wish -- one first kiss with all the knee-trembling, butterfly-inducing gloriousness she’d hoped for. But Aurora’s learning that a kiss is just the beginning of a story. Instead of being the truly transcendent, utterly epic follow up it should be, her second attempt at kissing has literally landed Hayden Paris in the emergency room. If that’s not mortifying enough, the whole school is now referring to her as ‘Lethal Lips’. Meanwhile it’s all systems go for her best friend Cassie - she and Potential Prince Scott are totally loved up and can’t stop kissing. Jelena (Jefferson High’s answer to Helen of Troy) has moved on from the heinous betrayal by Bad Boy Alex West and has unleashed her plan to rule the world by running for School Captain. Problem is Alex is running too and Jelena’s pulling out all the stops to prevent him from stealing her rightful place as ruler of Jefferson High - including offering Aurora’s Find a Prince/Princess Program as one of her campaign initiatives. How is Aurora going to prove her program is foolproof and help Jelena win the election when her matchmaking manoeuvres seem to be throwing all the wrong people together - including the NAD and the hippy-dippy Ms Deforest -- and she can’t even convince Hayden to kiss her?


For a girl who shares her name with a princess (Aurora from Sleeping Beauty), my present circumstances were fathoms away from a fairy tale. My kissing skills had left both parties maimed—one case worthy of the emergency room.

Our first kiss as a couple, and my first-ever kiss, had been a melding of everything I’d heard kisses could be, all the glorious clichés in action—weak knees, my heart a field of fluttering butter-
flies, life in Technicolor. Worth the wait. With a start like that, I’d expected the second kiss to be as good. Or at least not to end in calamity.

Four hours ago I’d had no idea I’d be spending half of my Thursday night in the local hospital’s emergency department, watching the on-call physician stitching Hayden Paris’s formerly perfect
lower lip.

four hours earlier . . .

I stood at my bathroom mirror, staring at my lips. I’d just applied red lipstick, taking a good five minutes to make sure that the edges were perfect. Now I was having second thoughts. Normally I wasn’t one to spend lengthy amounts of time pouting at my own reflection, but in the fifteen minutes before Hayden was due to arrive I was fixated on my own mouth.

It had started with the intention of making sure I had fresh breath. Three brushings and a lengthy flossing session later, I’d pinched the superstrong dental clinic–issued mouthwash used by my dad (otherwise known as the NAD—New Age dad), on the basis that it would work better than my Listerine. Figuring that if I used any more mouthwash I’d give myself acid reflux, I’d finally stashed a mini breath spray in the pocket of my skirt so I could do a last quick spritz after Hayden and I had finished dinner. Literally sharing breath with someone was nerve-racking. I was now in a conundrum over lipstick. I’d automatically reached for the red, as numerous studies have proved that red lips are considered the most sensual, due to the way that lipstick mimics the way our lips flush when attracted to another person. But just as I’d finished applying the lipstick, I started worrying that it wasn’t the best choice. It would inevitably kiss off, wouldn’t it? What if I pulled away from the (hopefully) amazing kiss and Hayden was left smeared with red lipstick? Gloss wasn’t an option, either—I’d overheard way too many guys complaining about how they hated goopy lips.

I blotted the lipstick, hoping to achieve a nice, subtle stain, like I’d been sitting in a field eating raspberries or something. Revlon had had that famous Cherries in the Snow ad campaign in 1953, so bring on Raspberries in a Field. I was obviously getting jittery if I was planning 1950s-esque cosmetic campaigns.

I hadn’t talked about my anxiety with my best friends, Cassie, Jelena, Lindsay, and Sara. They were looking to me to be their dating guru—and hopefully the whole of Jefferson High would be, too, once I implemented my Find a Prince/PrincessTM program. This is a program I designed to help guys and girls navigate the minefield that is the high school dating scene. As well as using the program to help Cassie find love with Scott (aka the ubercute new guy) and to help Lindsay win her ex-boyfriend Tyler back, I had also been using the program to weigh my own romantic prospects, with the
aim of identifying my “prince.”

A prince:
• has Principles. He stands up for what he knows to be right,
instead of going along with the crowd.
• Recognizes your worth. He understands how special you
are and treats you with respect and kindness.
• possesses Integrity. He’s genuine with his feelings and
won’t mislead you for underhanded or selfish purposes.
• Never doubts you’re the only one for him.
• is Constant. He stands by you through the sunshine and the
shadows, the good and the bad.
• possesses Endurance. He is willing to overcome considerable
obstacles to win your affection.

I know the “prince” thing sounds cringeworthy, like it’s something from another century. But the program isn’t about glass slippers or lying around until a prince shows up. It’s about valuing yourself and saying no to guys with dishonest intentions or lukewarm feelings. Guys who lie or are self-involved or only looking for an ego boost. Guys who play around with our feelings like it’s a form
of sport. What the program is really about is knowing what you are worthy of and accepting nothing less.


We'd like to thank the lovely team over at St. Martin's Press for being awesome enough to allow us to share this excerpt! We hope you all enjoy and that you will all be checking out Kissing Games and adding it to your TBR!

Waiting on Wednesday: Girls of Paper and Fire by Natasha Ngan

"Waiting On Wednesday" is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking The Spine where we highlight some of the upcoming books we can't wait to read!

Amber's Waiting on:

Title: Girls of Paper and Fire
Author: Natasha Ngan 
Genre: Fantasy
Publisher: Jimmy Patterson Books
Publication Date: November 6th 2018

Each year, eight beautiful girls are chosen as Paper Girls to serve the king. It's the highest honor they could hope for...and the most cruel. But this year, there's a ninth girl. And instead of paper, she's made of fire. In this lush fantasy, Lei is a member of the Paper caste, the lowest and most oppressed class in Ikhara. She lives in a remote village with her father, where the decade-old trauma of watching her mother snatched by royal guards still haunts her. Now, the guards are back, and this time it's Lei they're after--the girl whose golden eyes have piqued the king's interest. Over weeks of training in the opulent but stifling palace, Lei and eight other girls learn the skills and charm that befit being a king's consort. But Lei isn't content to watch her fate consume her. Instead, she does the unthinkable--she falls in love. Her forbidden romance becomes enmeshed with an explosive plot that threatens the very foundation of Ikhara, and Lei, still the wide-eyed country girl at heart, must decide just how far she's willing to go for justice and revenge.

Why I am waiting on This:

I have such a thing for pretty covers. I think everyone does, but they distract me like shiny objects. The idea behind this story is extremely intriguing. I am super excited to get my hands on this one when it is out!  

What are you waiting on this week? Leave your links so we can stop back! 

Top Ten Tuesday: Book Worlds I'd Love and Hate to Live In

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl in which we create bookish lists about everything from our favorite characters to love triangles and everything in between!
This Week's Topic: Book Worlds I'd Love and Hate to Live In
How many of us have always wanted to dive right into the setting of a book? I'm pretty sure I can say all of us. Whether it be fighting for the crown or trying to better a Dystopian society, we've all had dreams of being that main character and living in their world. But then we have the settings we wouldn't want to live. They're the ones we simply didn't like, as well as the one that were so not ideal. Here are some of my favorite and least favorite book worlds! 


1. Illea (New America) from The Selection (Who wouldn't want to be a Queen?)

2. Gatlin, South Carolina form Beautiful Creatures

3. The world from the Lux series (because Daemon)

4. Sector 45 from Shatter Me (I'm sorry, but who wouldn't want to be in the same space as Warner?) 

5. The Covenant's from the Covenant series

6. Norta and Piedmont from the Red Queen series

Least Favorites:

7. District 12 from The Hunger Games

8. Solu's cruise from Sweet

9. The abandoned island from A Map for Wrecked Girls

10. Chicago from Divergent

Living in a book world is probably every book lovers dream so let us know below where you'd love to escape to!

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Moonlight and Midtown by Christina Bauer

Moonlight And Midtown
Christina Bauer
(Fairy Tales of the Magicorum #1.5)
Published by: Monster House Books
Publication date: May 27th 2018
Genres: Fairy Tales, Fantasy, Young Adult

After battling werewolves and evil aunties, Bryar Rose is ready to enjoy her new life. No more crazy aunties. Her curse is toast. And Bry’s new man, Knox, is literally a dream come true. Best of all, Bry will soon attend a regular high school. Forget those sketchy tutors! To get ready, Bry is dedicating the rest of her summer to some serious back-to-school shopping with her best friend, Elle. It’s a blast, except for one thing:
Mysterious strangers are following Bry across Manhattan.
All these stalkers have oddly familiar scents and an uncanny ability to slip into the shadows whenever Bry tries to confront them. Even worse, their presence is making Knox act crazy with a capital C.
But Bry’s having none of it. Enough of her life has already been ruined by secrets. With Elle’s help, Bry plans to confront these strangers, find out what they want, and send them packing. Trouble is, the truth about their identity won’t be so easy to manage, especially when Bry finds out how these stalkers could change her future with Knox…and not for the better.
***An interim novella between WOLVES AND ROSES and SHIFTERS AND GLYPHS***
About The Series
The Fairy Tales of the Magicorum series includes WOLVES AND ROSES (Book 1), MOONLIGHT AND MIDTOWN (Novella 1.5) and SHIFTERS AND GLYPHS (Book 2, Fall 2018). Eight full novels are planned in total.
“That’s why packs have Alphas,” says Knox. “You need to set her loose, and then, let her attack me.”
Every inch of my body goes on alert. “Attack you? Why?”
“Your wolf has been through a lot. Ritual fighting is how wolves work out their place in the pack. Your wolf needs a firm hand.”
I stare at my palm. “Firm hand?”
“I’m not talking about physical power here. I’m talking magic. My power is Alpha energy, but you’ve got your own magic. Once I subdue your wolf, I think you’ll get the idea.”
My head feels woozy. “Ritual combat? Really?”
“Yes. Release your wolf and attack me. Now.”
I hug my elbows. “I’m not sure. If I’m patient, my inner wolf might just calm down on her own.”
“That’s not how wolves work, even when they aren’t of the magical variety. And a werewolf? Our animals are far more intense. I’m your Alpha, and if I let this go on for one more minute, I’m putting you at risk.”
Something in his tone sets my nerves on edge. “Meaning?”
“Your wolf will go feral. When it happens, it’s fast and intense. Your wolf will take over and you’ll disappear.”
I suck in a shaky breath. “She wouldn’t.”
My wolf’s voice sounds in my head. “We will run! I demand we shift NOW!
That manic tone to her voice is now higher than ever before. Every inch of my body trembles with the urge to shift. I reply to my wolf in my mind.
Didn’t you hear what Knox said?” Normally, my wolf can’t help but listen in on most of my conversations. “Our mate thinks you’re going feral.
Mate?” The manic tone to her voice hikes up an octave. “We have no mate. All we have is the need to run.
A chill runs up my spine. “You don’t remember our mate?
No mate! Run, now!
My blood chills. No matter what happens, my wolf always knows her mate. In fact, my usual complaint is that she won’t shut up about him.
This is really happening. My wolf is going feral.
All of a sudden, it’s like I can’t pull in enough air. “You’re right. My inner wolf is losing her mind.”
“Hey, I won’t let that happen.” Knox rests his hands on my shoulders. “Breathe, Bry.”
It takes serious concentration, but I slow my racing pulse a little. “Okay.”
“Now, you need to set your wolf loose and trust me. Can you do that, yeah?”
“I can try.”
“Good.” Knox pulls off his dress shirt over his head and tosses it aside. “Set her loose.”
Normally, the urge to shift is a constant tug of war between me and my wolf. Most times, all it takes is for me to stop fighting the urge to shift. After that, I turn furry. So that’s what I do now—I drop my guard and let my wolf take over.

Author Bio:
Christina Bauer knows how to tell stories about kick-ass women. In her best selling Angelbound series, the heroine is a part-demon girl who loves to fight in Purgatory’s Arena and falls in love with a part-angel prince. This young adult best seller has driven more than 500,000 ebook downloads and 9,000 reviews on Goodreads and retailers. The first three books in the series are now available as audiobooks on Audible and iTunes.
Bauer has also told the story of the Women’s March on Washington by leading PR efforts for the Massachusetts Chapter. Her pre-event press release—the only one sent out on a major wire service—resulted in more than 19,000 global impressions and redistribution by over 350 different media entities including the Associated Press.
Christina graduated from Syracuse University’s Newhouse School with BA’s in English along with Television, Radio, and Film Production. She lives in Newton, MA with her husband, son, and semi-insane golden retriever, Ruby.


We'd like to thank the lovely team over at Xpresso for being awesome enough to allow us to be a part of this book blitz and blog tour! Good luck to everyone who enters the giveaway!


Guest Review: One of Us is Lying by Karen M. McManus

Today on the blog we have a guest review from Amanda over at Give Me Coffee Give Me BooksShe was kind enough to stop by and review One of Us is Lying by Karen M. McManus and and share her thoughts on it, and we couldn't be more excited! So without further ado, let's get into it!

Title: One of Us is Lying
Author: Karen M. McManus
Rating: 5/5 Stars
Publisher: Delacorte Press
Hardcover, 358 Pages
Published May 2017

Summary: The Breakfast Club meets Pretty Little Liars, One of Us Is Lying is the story of what happens when five strangers walk into detention and only four walk out alive. Everyone is a suspect, and everyone has something to hide. Pay close attention and you might solve this. On Monday afternoon, five students at Bayview High walk into detention. Bronwyn, the brain, is Yale-bound and never breaks a rule. Addy, the beauty, is the picture-perfect homecoming princess. Nate, the criminal, is already on probation for dealing. Cooper, the athlete, is the all-star baseball pitcher. And Simon, the outcast, is the creator of Bayview High's notorious gossip app. Only, Simon never makes it out of that classroom. Before the end of detention, Simon's dead. And according to investigators, his death wasn't an accident. On Monday, he died. But on Tuesday, he'd planned to post juicy reveals about all four of his high-profile classmates, which makes all four of them suspects in his murder. Or are they the perfect patsies for a killer who's still on the loose? Everyone has secrets, right? What really matters is how far you would go to protect them.

Gossip Girl + The Breakfast Club + Pretty Little Liars = One of Us is Lying

This is the first book I have listened to in years; I usually pass on audiobooks because I don't have a commute anymore and I read so much faster than I can listen to a book. However, I had some Audible credits and decided to give it another go. This book has been really popular in my classroom, so I wanted to see if it lived up to its hype. It did!

I loved that the audiobook had four different voices for each of the four characters (and all of them were pleasant). I've read a lot of books told in alternating perspectives lately, and I really enjoyed this one. Each character is so different, very likable, and really easy to become invested in. I loved Bronwyn's need to constantly be doing something, Addy's strong relationship with her sister, Nate's sad backstory and Cooper's kindheartedness. McManus did a nice job of escaping the cookie cutter versions of the stereotypical brain, beauty, criminal and athlete; there was so much more to these characters and I genuinely hoped that none of them were guilty as I heard their stories. 

There are some swoon-worthy guys in this story. Nate is so much more than just his bad boy image, and Cooper's got a secret that will make your heart oh so happy. 

The climax! At one point I had suspected who was really behind Simon's death, but I did not see it unfolding that way! And I had honestly given up on that theory by the time the mystery was solved! Well done! I gasped more than once and had to drive around several times in order to finish out chapters. 

The ending seemed a little rushed, and maybe even a little too Happily Ever After, for my liking, especially after how developed and intense the story was. 

Overall, I loved this book. It lived up to its hype and has been on my TBR since its release; I just haven't been able to keep it on the shelves of my classroom to snag for myself, so I am glad I turned to an audiobook for this one. If you're up for a good mystery, check this one out!

We'd like to once again thank Amanada for stopping by The Book Bratz today to post this guest review. You can read the original review over on her blog by clicking HERE!

** Psst! Interested in guest reviewing on The Book Bratz? Shoot us an email at thebookbratz@gmail.com or DM us on Twitter (@thebookbratz) and we'd love to have you!

Review: Don't Forget Me by Victoria Stevens

Title: Don't Forget Me
Author: Victoria Stevens
Publisher: FSG Books
Rating: 4/5 Stars
Hardcover, 360 Pages
Published February 2018

Summary: Seventeen-year-old Hazel Clarke is no stranger to heartbreaks, and being sent to live with a father she’s never met is the latest in a string of them. Even the beauty of eastern Australia isn’t enough to take her mind off her mother and the life she had to leave behind in England. But when Hazel meets the friendly, kindhearted Red and his elusive twin, Luca, she begins the slow process of piecing together a new life—and realizes she isn’t the only one struggling with loss. As friendships deepen and love finds its way in, Hazel also learns that when you truly love someone, they are always in your heart. 

I first heard of this book while I was cataloging it during my internship, and it immediately caught my interest. It seemed like it was a story that was going to be filled with a bunch of emotional moments, which is the kind of story I like, so I immediately added it to my TBR. And, having read it now, I'm glad that I did!

As the summary explains, Hazel winds up moving to Australia with her father (who she didn't even know existed up until that moment) after something happens with her mother in England and she's no longer able to live with her. So Hazel is adjusting to her new life in Australia while also trying to connect with her father while still mourning her mother and the things that are happening to her. Along the way she meets a whole bunch of new friends, one of them being Luca, a troubled twin with a secret past that he's having a tough time battling. Hazel tries to connect with him on top of everything else she's struggling with, and this book basically chronicles this journey as she takes it.

What I really liked about this book was all of the emotion is contained. There were a lot of plot threads to follow throughout this book, so it definitely felt like a multi-faceted story in so many different ways. There's a lot to unpack here, but that's the kind of thing I really do enjoy in a book. There's Hazel's struggle with missing her mother, meeting her father, adjusting to Australia, making new friends, trying to reach out to Luca, trying to uncover his secret...definitely a lot to think about! Which is probably why I finished this book so quickly -- because I kept flipping the pages and wanting to see what was going to happen next and which plot points were going to be addressed again.

My favorite character in this book was definitely Red. He was super friendly and really funny throughout the whole story, but he was also really fiercely loyal and supportive, which was really sweet. He definitely seemed like the type of character that I would want to be friends with in real life!

There were only a few things that I wasn't super crazy about with this book, the first being the fact that the story being told in third person made it kind of unclear which characters were the focus at certain times, and it also made it really hard to get into their heads and understand them. Even after reading this entire book, I'm not entirely sure that I could get a grasp on all of the main characters and their thoughts -- and it was especially tricky when the perspective/character of focus seemed to switch mid-chapter, sometimes even mid-paragraph. That's why third person can be tricky, and I definitely found that a little bit confusing to read! However, as the book went on, I found myself getting used to it.

(Minor spoilers, so please skip to the next paragraph if you don't want the book spoiled for you!) The other thing about this book that frustrated me a little bit was the fact that the "big reveal" of what was going on with Hazel's mom (and even what happened to Ryan) isn't told until almost the very end of the book -- so I spent almost the entire story getting teased about the big reveal of what was happening, but then still not being told. It was a really long tease that started to get a little frustrating, to the point that when it finally was revealed, I didn't really feel any sort of "shock value" so to speak, since it had been teased so many times previously that I already figured out what it was -- it was more of a feeling of "glad we finally got that out in the open," but there really wasn't any sort of shocking plot twist there. Which disappointed me a tiny bit for sure.

However, those were just *my* personal takes while I was reading! I'd still totally recommend picking this book up, because the small little things that bothered me a little bit with this book may not end up bothering you, so you might like this story even better!

Overall, I liked reading Don't Forget Me. It was adorable, heartfelt story that kept me turning pages from start to finish -- I managed to finish this entire book over the course of a night because I found myself wrapped in the story and intrigued with all of the characters. In the end, I'm glad I decided to pick up this book, because it gave me a deeply moving, emotional story that I enjoyed from start to finish.

May Scribbler Unboxing: Fight Scenes!

It's time for our my third unboxing of Scribbler, a new subscription box created by writers, for writers! Each month the box comes with writing tips and tricks, a new book, tons of cute supplies, and also an exclusive online video call invitation with someone involved in the writing/publishing fields. And boxes are only $30 a month -- and there are tons of pre-paid packages to choose from! So definitely head over to their website if you're interested.

Now, time to unpack the May box! This month's theme was Fight Scenes. I haven't ever really needed to deal with fight scenes in my stories before, but my current work in progress involves a lot of them, so this box came at the perfect time! Here's what the box looks like, and here's what came inside:

1. This month's writing passport!
An adorable little booklet that gives tons of super helpful information regarding writing successful fight scenes.

2. An exclusive invitation for a Skype chat with Marisa Russel.
Another thing that comes with the box each month is an exclusive Skype invitation for a chat with someone involved in the publishing field -- this month, it's Penguin publicist Marisa Russell!

3. The Smoke Thieves by Sally Green.
I mean, OMG. Just look at the fantastic packaging for this book! I was fangirling the entire time I was opening it.

4. An exclusive example of line edits from editor Jackie Cantor!
I won't show the actual line edits, as they were an exclusive for subscribers, but we got ten full pages of line edits to go through to see how agents and editors critique and help reshape a manuscript so it becomes the best that it can possibly be. I absolutely LOVED looking through this.

5. Adorable 3D Yoobi erasers.
Dinosaurs, giraffes, lions, French fries, apples, and ice cream -- all of these were adorable little 3D erasers that I immediately fell in love with!

6. A cute little pencil sharpener.
To go with the adorable pencils that I'll be mentioning in just a bit!

7. A cute little promo button from Penguin.
Another one to add to my tote where I collect all of my pins! Also, my dog insisted on being present in this picture and I couldn't get her to leave.

8. This adorable rose gold notebook.
Perfect for planning stories -- and it's also one of my favorite colors, which is a huge plus! I've only had the box opened for a little while and I've already busted this one open and gotten down to writing.

9. Cute "Write Your Heart Out" Pencils!
Which makes writing in the notebook all the more fun.

10. A "famous lines" poster from Penguin Teen.
I loved this poster so much as soon as I saw it that I immediately went out to buy a frame, and I'll be hanging it on my wall ASAP! It contains so much important lines from some of my favorite books and authors, which is extra exciting and inspirational! I made it extra large so you can see!

Overall, I really enjoyed opening the May box -- because I really needed help with writing successful fight scenes, and I know that this month's box can help me do that. I've decided that I'm going to keep my subscription (even though it was supposed to be ending this month!) because I'm so in love with all of the incredible stuff that this box has to offer. If you haven't subscribed to Scribbler yet and you're a current writer or an aspiring one, what are you waiting for? This is writer gold, people!

And now it's time to enjoy my May box while eagerly awaiting the June box, whose theme is Research -- something I totally need help with

Check out our March 2018 Scribbler Unboxing: Emotional Touchpoints!

Check out our April 2018 Scribbler Unboxing: POV!

ARC Review: The Leading Edge of Now by Marci Lyn Curtis

Title: The Leading Edge of Now
Author: Marci Lyn Curtis
Genre: YA Contemporary
Source: ARC from author
Publisher: Kids Can Press
Publication Date: Sept. 4th,2018

Summary: Just when Grace is beginning to get used to being an orphan, her estranged uncle suddenly comes forward to claim her. That might have been okay if he'd spoken to her even once since her father died. Or if moving in with Uncle Rusty didn't mean returning to New Harbor. 
Grace once spent the best summers of her life in New Harbor. Now the place just reminds her of all she's lost: her best friend, her boyfriend and any memory of the night that changed her forever. 
People say the truth will set you free, but Grace isn't sure about that. Once she starts looking for it, the truth about that night is hard to find --- and what happens when her healing hurts the people she cares about the most?

Oh man guys, I don't know where to start. First I want to thank Marci for giving us the chance to receive an ARC of this amazing book. Marci was able to transport me into a new world with this book. The way she wrote this novel left me feeling the heartbreak and betrayal as well as the love and happiness, like it was my own. 

Like it says in the summary, Grace is moving in with her uncle Rusty after two years of living as an orphan. She's moving back to New Harbor, a place she loved as a child, until one night that changed her entire life. Grace is now faced with the memory of that night everyday. As she begins to face the truth of what happened, she learns much more than she thought she knew and the truth may be more than she expected.

THE LEADING EDGE OF NOW was a wonderful story of personal growth, trust, and facing the truth. I loved everything about this book and can't even tell you how many times I cried. The character development was beautiful and Owen might just be the man of my dreams (yes, he's perfect). Grace was instantly my favorite character. She's a strong, young girl who just lost her dad and has to live with her distant uncle next to her ex best friend and ex boyfriend. She has a lot on her plate but walks with her head held hight either way. As you get to know Owen, Rusty, Janna, and the others, you realize just how close and caring everyone is with each other. It also made the truth even more shocking (which I wont spoil I promise). 

The title really caught my attention and after reading the book, it fit the story completely. Grace was truly on the leading edge of now as she was learning the truth. She had to face something no one should ever have to go through and in the end, she was able to get closure.

This book is a must read for everyone. You'll laugh and cry (maybe even at the same time). Be sure to check out our Q&A with Marci as well as entering our ARC giveaway located on the same page! I hope you all enjoy reading this as much as I did! 

Waiting On Wednesday: The Darkest Star by Jennifer L. Armentrout

"Waiting On Wednesday" is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking The Spine where we highlight some of the upcoming books we can't wait to read!

Emily's Waiting on:

Title: The Darkest Star 
Author: Jennifer L. Armentrout
Genre: SciFi Fantasy
Publisher: Tor Teen
Publication Date: Oct. 30th, 2018

Summary: When seventeen-year-old Evie Dasher is caught up in a raid at a notorious club known as one of the few places where humans and the surviving Luxen can mingle freely, she meets Luc, an unnaturally beautiful guy she initially assumes is a Luxen...but he is in fact something much more powerful. Her growing attraction for Luc will lead her deeper and deeper into a world she'd only heard about, a world where everything she thought she knew will be turned on its head...

Okay, so if you know me, you know how obsessed I am with all things JLA. When I heard about a possible spin off for the Lux series I called Amber and almost started crying. The Lux series and all its lovely characters hold a special place in my heart. Luc was one of those characters you loved but didn't know much about. I'm so excited to dive back into the world of the Luxen and I'm sure I'm not the only one hoping to see some Katy and Daemon!

What are you waiting on this week? Leave your links so we can stop back!