Blog Tour: Shifters and Glyphs by Christina Bauer (Top 5 Characters She Would Love to Interview + Giveaway!)

Shifters and Glyphs
by Christina Bauer
(Fairy Tales of the Magicorum #2)
Published by: Monster House Books
Publication date: October 30th 2018
Genres: Paranormal, Young Adult

“A fun romp for Twilight Fans” – School Library JournalAfter being raised by the meanest fairies in the history of ever, Bryar Rose is now free to live her own life. For the first time, she’s attending West Lake Prep, a regular high school. Well, mostly regular. Some students are actually hidden members of the Magicorum. In other words, they’re really wizards, fairies, or shifters. Bry doesn’t mind, though. She’s thrilled to enjoy all the new experiences of being around normal kids her age, from locker pranks to lunchtime mystery meat. Everything is going along great, except for one thing.Bry’s dreams about the pyramids of Egypt have gotten darker and more sinister. Every night, she sees her new man Knox and her best friend Elle in danger.“Exciting and well-conceived” – KirkusWith no other choice, Bry plans to leave school to explore the pyramids on her own. But her new man Knox discovers the scheme and is having none of it. He wants to stay by her side, no matter what. It’s a good thing too, because Bry must solve the mystery of her attraction to the pyramids and soon. Otherwise, it could cost the lives of those she loves most. And that means not only Knox, but also her best friend Elle. “Must-read YA paranormal romance!” – USA Today Perfect for readers who love young adult books, contemporary fantasy, fairy tales, satire/comedy, paranormal romance, fairies, magic users, shapeshifters, and coming of age stories.…

Top Five Characters I’d Love To Interview!

As part of the launch tour for SHIFTERS AND GLYPHS, the awesome folks at The Book Bratz have asked me to list the top five characters that I’d love to interview. So without further ado, here goes!

5. The Balrog, Lord of the RingsMy interview: “Look, I get how you think Gandalf woke you up in Moria and that got you mightily pissed off. So then, you went out cracking your whip and showing some attitude. Fine. But why not just let it end with ‘get off my lawn’ or the equivalent? Why fight freaking Gandalf until you got your molten ass smote against a mountainside? I feel like there’s more here to know. Also: were you wearing fuzzy bunny slippers during the battle? The text is unclear on that point.” (Note: the text is unclear. Seriously.)

4. Hermione, all Harry Potter books“Let’s get into a little trust tree here and talk. Don’t you really-really-REALLY want to be with Harry? I mean, Ron is nice but he’s … Ron. You’d have weasel in your last name forever. Not that it’s a deal breaker but it’s a point of consideration. Plus, I feel like you’re just not doing your full due diligence. Would it hurt to have just one little kiss to test things out with Harry and then report back? Go ahead and do it now. I’ll wait.”

3. Vivian (Julia Roberts), Pretty Woman“From the start of the movie, you wanted to go back to school. So awesome and interesting!!! But for what? Cleary, it wasn’t a Masters in Advanced Prostitution, so where did you want to direct all your non-passionate passion? And did you ever go back to school after driving away with Edward (Richard Gere)? I’m dying to know. Personally, I think there should be a follow-up movie where you get your MBA and run companies together with Edward. Discuss.”

2. Bella, Twilight“Awesome book 1, but I do have a little nit to pick. So while your honey is off fighting the big bad, you’re totally scared. Makes sense. But cowering is just not a good look on anybody. How about a few shouts of ‘great job’ or ‘on your left!’ You could also throw a shoe or something, just putting it out there. Thoughts?”

1. Anastasia, 50 Shades of Grey“It’s just us girls here. I get having fun, but honestly? How many gallons of cranberry juice did you guzzle through that relationship because OW.”

That’s it! My top five character interviews. And yes, I do keep a running list of these things. Assuming I haven’t offended you too badly, I look forward to returning during another tour! (Note from The Book Bratz: We would LOVE to have you back for future tours!)

Author Bio:
Christina Bauer knows how to tell stories about kick-ass women. In her best selling Angelbound series, the heroine is a part-demon girl who loves to fight in Purgatory’s Arena and falls in love with a part-angel prince. This young adult best seller has driven more than 500,000 ebook downloads and 9,000 reviews on Goodreads and retailers. The first three books in the series are now available as audiobooks on Audible and iTunes.Bauer has also told the story of the Women’s March on Washington by leading PR efforts for the Massachusetts Chapter. Her pre-event press release—the only one sent out on a major wire service—resulted in more than 19,000 global impressions and redistribution by over 350 different media entities including the Associated Press. Christina graduated from Syracuse University’s Newhouse School with BA’s in English along with Television, Radio, and Film Production. She lives in Newton, MA with her husband, son, and semi-insane golden retriever, Ruby.



Let's talk about The Haunting of Hill House & 9 Books You Will Love!

***Trigger Warnings: Suicide & death***

The Netflix Original The Haunting of Hill House has easily captivated thousands and in the few weeks it has been on Netflix. Described as a modern day retelling of Shirley Jackson's classic The Haunting of Hill House who come together in the face of tragedy to confront the traumatizing events of their past that tore them apart. 

Haven't heard of The Haunting of Hill House? Check out the trailer below, it is something you do no want to miss!

I devoured the ten hour long episodes of this show in about a day and I was captivated from the first moment until the closing credits on episode ten. The Haunting of Hill House isn't just  a horror series though. The show contained so much more then a thrilling psychological horror. It showed each character about 20 years after the events of Hill House. How Hill House shaped them as people and the course of their lives. Where the series picks up you can see how all five Crain children dealt with the aftermath of living in the worlds most haunted house and the demons they still battle outside and with in themselves because of it. 

I didn't find The Haunting of Hill House to be scary, it was more of a psychological horror series, but there were several scenes where someone/something popped out that made me a jump. The show held a great balance between the story line and the ghosts/inhabitants of Hill House. I do recommend this to be a show you watch with the light on though! 

Loved The Haunting of Hill House want want to read something that is going to send chills down your spine? Check out the titles below! 
(Click on their covers to be redirected to Goodreads)


Have you watched The Haunting of Hill House? If so what did you think? Have you read any of these books? I love talking horror shows and books so leave a comment below! 

Guest Review: Forest of a Thousand Lanterns by Julie C. Dao

Title: Forest of a Thousand Lanterns
Author: Julie C. Dao
Rating: 3/5 Stars
Publisher: Philomel Books
Hardcover, 363 Pages
Published October 2017

Summary: Eighteen-year-old Xifeng is beautiful. The stars say she is destined for greatness, that she is meant to be Empress of Feng Lu. But only if she embraces the darkness within her. Growing up as a peasant in a forgotten village on the edge of the map, Xifeng longs to fulfill the destiny promised to her by her cruel aunt, the witch Guma, who has read the cards and seen glimmers of Xifeng's majestic future. But is the price of the throne too high? Because in order to achieve greatness, she must spurn the young man who loves her and exploit the callous magic that runs through her veins--sorcery fueled by eating the hearts of the recently killed. For the god who has sent her on this journey will not be satisfied until his power is absolute. 

Today on the blog we have a guest review from Harker over at The Hermit LibrarianThey were kind enough to stop by and review Forest of a Thousand Lanterns and share their thoughts on it, and we couldn't be more excited to have them here as our guest reviewer for today! So without further ado, let's get into it!

CW: abuse (mental and physical), images of gore

The idea of an origin story for a villain is very intriguing and what villain is more iconic that the Evil Queen? Julie C. Dao creates an East Asian fantasy world for our new evil queen, Xifeng, to begin her journey in and watching her take those first steps toward her destiny was certainly something to behold. There were remnants of the old story, such as the mirror (here a mysterious waterfall) and the familiar roles, to hearken back to the Snow White tale, but recreated in a pleasing manner.

Xifeng was someone to watch out for early on, even before knowing extensively about her character. Her beauty being one thing, something that counted for much in her society, but beyond that there were subtle hints at the intelligence she possessed within. What she withholds, what she says in the presence of her aunt Guma, plus the personal observations she makes about her surroundings and circumstances, illuminate a well-cultivated character.

As underhanded as some of the things Xifeng and Guma seek to do, these machinations are understandable, given the circumstances they live in and what Xifeng can expect if she doesn't rise up and improve her station. There's a scene early in when she walks through the village, reflecting on what she'll never have to see again if she makes it to the palace. This scene drives home a good portion of the why in Forest of a Thousand Lanterns and there are people, once at the palace, that never let Xifeng forget what she could return to. This fate is possibly the worst of all and knowing what this means to them, even disapproving of these actions doesn't mean not being able to see why they might be committed.  

The darkness growing within Xifeng had its exceptionally present moments, such as when she mentioned the voice within or when the serpent appeared in her dreams or a reflection distorted, but perhaps the more disturbing aspects were its subtleties. Xifeng protested against the Serpent Lord at times, against what succumbing to him might mean, but her descent into the influence of it is evident in her growing selfishness, particularly regarding Wei. Little things such as the way she treated him, not letting him go and admitting to herself on some level that he is no more than a possession to her, something she despises being treated as, serve as outward clues to the reader even if Xifeng herself didn't realize it.

Xifeng and Guma's relationship was a twisted, complicated thing. Guma raised Xifeng to become Empress someday, making sure she was educated, retaining her beautiful face, and the like. However, she was incredibly manipulative and abusive, both physically and mentally, constantly wielding both words, her hands and cane against Xifeng to bend her to Guma's will. 

Despite this, there's a sense of duty and a kind of "love" that Xifeng feels for Guma, the only mother she's ever known. This tie to her abuser is familiar and was a bit sickening, a bit sad. The worst of it is, nothing changes, really, throughout the book. Even when Xifeng has moments of clarity about her relationship with Guma, the ties that bind them still refuse to break. She still wishes for Guma's approval, despite the abuse. I found this most terrifying, I think, because it's reflective of reality. While it would've been ideal for Xifeng, destined as she is to be who she is, to have some measure of freedom from the horror of her past, reality doesn't always work that way. The people that raise us, that abuse us, are sometimes entwined with us in such ways that, like Xifeng, we always seek their approval, even as we acknowledge that they're poison.

There were issues with pacing that formed the bulk of my problem with the story. While there were scenes that were of interest, the descriptions of them lovely and intricate, it felt like it took too long to get to anything important. I kept wondering, when would Xifeng get to some Evil Queening already? Even after setting the book aside, I had to ask myself, had this book really been satisfactory? It still felt a bit unbalanced, like something was missing. 

I'm not sure how this will play out with the sequel coming out in November, as that story is told from another character's perspective so we won't see Xifeng as the main character anymore. Will the balance come back? Will there finally be some true villainy worthy of the title Evil Queen? It feels like Xifeng as a lot to live up to with that being the inspiration for her character and I'm not sure she's quite there yet or if she'll get that chance. I truly hope she will because after what she's had to sacrifice, after the cunning she's shown and the intensity of her core, she needs this chance to truly shine as Empress.

We'd like to once again thank Harker for stopping by The Book Bratz today to post this guest review. Don't forget to check out their blog!

** Psst! Interested in guest reviewing on The Book Bratz? Shoot us an email at or DM us on Twitter (@thebookbratz) and we'd love to have you!

Review: Someday (Every Day, #2) by David Levithan

Title: Someday
Author: David Levithan
Publisher: Knopf Books for Young Readers
Rating: 4/5 Stars
Hardcover, 336 Pages
Published October 2018

Summary: For as long as A can remember, life has meant waking up in a different person's body every day, forced to live as that person until the day ended. A always thought there wasn't anyone else who had a life like this. But A was wrong. There are others. A has already been wrestling with powerful feelings of love and loneliness. Now comes an understanding of the extremes that love and loneliness can lead to -- and what it's like to discover that you are not alone in the world. In Someday, David Levithan takes readers further into the lives of A, Rhiannon, Nathan, and the person they may think they know as Reverend Poole, exploring more deeply the questions at the core of Every Day and Another Day. What is a soul? And what makes us human?

My review for this book was originally posted on

I absolutely fell in love with the first book in this series, EVERY DAY, a few years ago when I finally made the decision to pick it up. I couldn't get over how exciting and different this story was --- following someone that wakes up in a different body every single day. It was an idea that was revolutionary and definitely took me by surprise, which is why I loved it so much. And now, so many years later, I picked up SOMEDAY, and I fell back into A's world all over again.

This story picks up where EVERY DAY leaves off, after A has to leave and ends up in Colorado, far away from Rhiannon. Through time and distance, they struggle to keep their friendship (and their pseudo-relationship) alive, even though it's getting harder and harder. And to make it worse, X, the evil body shifter that's been searching for A, is starting to harm their friends as a method of getting A to come back and face him. 

What I loved about this book was how quickly I fell back into the story. It's definitely been at least four or five years since I read EVERY DAY, but as soon as I picked up this book, I found myself absorbed in the story and I just couldn't put it down. I managed to read the entire 400 pages in less than 3 days, which is something I don't get done much when I'm busy with schoolwork! So it felt really nice to fall into a story that captivated me so quickly. And the romance between Rhiannon and A was so adorable that my heart fluttered several times, and it was especially inspiring to see the creative ways that they made their relationship work, due to both the distance between them and A's, er, unfortunate situation of switching bodies every single morning, never being the same person twice.

Something I enjoyed so much about this story was experiencing all of the different lives alongside A. Every day, they woke up in a new body, with new friends and family, new lives, and new cultures. While David Levithan doesn't detail out every single life A lives, it was exciting to read the glimpses that we did receive. As a reader, I really got to see a wide range of diverse people and cultures. There's even a portion of the book that takes place in New York City, so it was exciting to see the book being set close to home! Especially since NYC is filled with so many different types of people, so A had many different experiences while they were there.

The one thing I'd recommend doing before reading this book is definitely rereading EVERY DAY if you haven't read it in awhile. I had to look up a summary of the book to refresh some of the major plot points, since it's been a really long time since I read the last book. But once I quickly refreshed myself on what was going on (particularly with Nathan and Poole and Alexander, which were some of the details I forgot throughout the years), I was able to jump right back into the story and continue to fall in love.

(Spoilers in this paragraph! Skip to the next one if you don't want it ruined for you!) The only thing I wasn't super crazy about in this book was that I felt like the part where they vanquished X was really confusing and sudden, and it was also over so quickly. The buildup in the story made it seem like there was going to be some sort of epic battle or confrontation, but instead, there's a brief scene (literally 2-3 pages) where A makes a quick move and talks to Wyatt and then X is just gone forever. And we don't even get to see anything happen from X's perspective, which was a little bit disappointing. But other than that, I loved everything else about this book.

Overall, I really enjoyed reading SOMEDAY. If you were a fan of EVERY DAY (both the book and the movie), I definitely recommend picking this book up. Not only do you continue to get an adorable romance between A and Rhiannon, but there are also some more thrills and scary moments that will keep you flipping the pages and desperate to know what happens next. Plus, the chapters are pretty short, which makes this an easy read to breeze through! David Levithan impressed me again with another incredible, gripping story, and I'm definitely excited to read more of his work in the future.

That reminds me --- I actually haven't watched the movie yet, which is probably something I should do, especially since I've fallen back into the world of this story and I'm such a fan all over again. So now, if you'll excuse me, it's time to go do that!

Review: Damsel by Elana K. Arnold

Title: Damsel
Author: Elena K. Arnold
Genre: Fantasy
Source: TeenReads
Publisher: Balzer + Bray
Publication Date: October 2nd 2018 
Hardcover, 256 pages

The rite has existed for as long as anyone can remember: when the prince-who-will-be-king comes of age, he must venture out into the gray lands, slay a fierce dragon, and rescue a damsel to be his bride. This is the way things have always been. When Ama wakes in the arms of Prince Emory, however, she knows none of this. She has no memory of what came before she was captured by the dragon, or what horrors she has faced in its lair. She knows only this handsome prince, the story he tells of her rescue, and her destiny to sit on the throne beside him. Ama comes with Emory back to the kingdom of Harding, hailed as the new princess, welcomed to the court. However, as soon as her first night falls, she begins to realize that not all is as it seems, that there is more to the legends of the dragons and the damsels than anyone knows–and that the greatest threats to her life may not be behind her, but here, in front of her.
***Trigger Warnings: Rape, Self harm & Abuse***
***This review will also contain spoilers and I will talk about the Trigger Warnings***

Hi. Hello. I really liked Damsel and I am the black sheep on this, but please just hear me out: I know there is so much talk on Damsel and it's content. I will admit that I was a little standoffish considering the themes I heard that this book contained. But I was remembering something an English professor told me once: "If it makes you uncomfortable as you read, then its teaching you something." Damsel isn't your normal "Prince saves the girl and slays the dragon and they live happily ever after." It's Ama learning to have her voice, learning she is a person rather then an object for King Emory's entertainment and pleasure. Damsel is a book that is extremely feminist and showing how one girl took it upon herself to forge her own destiny. 

Arnold's writing is beautiful. It's a lyrical and full of imagery. The story comes alive right in front of your eyes. She didn't shy away from the harder descriptions of things as most authors would have which made me appreciate Damsel that much more. Hands down Damsel is an upper YA novel. I wouldn't give it to someone under the age of sixteen unless I was fully confident that they could handle the content that Damsel has. From the start of the book we are given descriptions of Emory's previous conquests and the "slaying" of the dragon. After that there  graphic description of a naked Emory as well as a description of his yard/tusk. (This is what Emory's penis is refereed as through out the entirety of the book.) In the castle there us a chapter where Emory comes into Ama's room forces a kiss upon her and then puts his fingers inside of her, he quickly blames the wine but tells her that she must expect this on their wedding night. There is another scene were they are in a carriage on the way to the palace that King Emory unlatches his belt, pulls himself out and uses her hand as a tool in masturbating. All with out Ama's consent, but at this point we are well enough into the story that Ama knows what will happen if she fights back. At the very end we learn about how he truly slayed the Dragon by raping it.

From the beginning of the book I knew Emory was going to be a problem. Woman are nothing more then objects for him. In the first chapter he talks about his previous sexual conquests as he is scaling a mountain to save Ama. He is extremely possessive of Ama and is controlling in everything she does. He touches her as he pleases, threatens her and says belittling things. Emory believes that Ama has no other rights then to please him and give him a son once they are married. In slaying the Dragon, Emory slashes the crevice of its arm and then uses is "yard" to turn the Dragon (who is actually Ama) into the Damsel.  

Am I the only one who see's how much of today's society is reflected into the pages of Damsel? Let's take away the fairytale atmosphere (if one could call it that) and replace it with the modern world, is this anything different then we see now? Woman are continuously belittled, forced to commit sexual acts that they would prefer not to have to take part in, controlled in society by the way  they act, dress, and appear. 

Through out Damsel we watch Ama gain a sense of self wanting. She longs to break the hold that Emory has on her. She wants a life to do as she pleases where she won't be looked down upon. Ama takes her fate in her own hand when she takes up the art of glass blowing, the moment she created the Dragon statue and used its shattered wing to kill Emory she took back her destiny. In the end Ama got her true wish, freedom. She ate Emory's heart, returned to her Dragon form and was free from his constraints once more. 

Can we please acknowledged about how feminist this book is? How important it is? Damsel is going to get so much hate based off its content. I've already seen it. This book is a QUICK read but not an EASY read. It is dark and it has a lot of dark and horrible themes. I understand that if you avoiding Damsel for the trigger warnings, it is very triggering and I by no means are telling you to read it. I'm suggesting that for the readers who already crossed this book off their list merely because its rating and the dislike it has received to just give it a shot. Ama's story is one that deserves to be told. Just like every other woman who has no control over her destiny. 

I want to hear everyone else's thoughts on DAMSEL! Have you read it or plan to? If you did did you like it? If you didn't like it why not? 

Review: Puddin' (Dumplin, #2) by Julie Murphy

Title: Puddin' (Dumplin', #2)
Author: Julie Murphy
Publisher: Balzer + Bray
Rating: 4/5 Stars
Hardcover, 448 Pages
Published May 2018

Summary: Millie Michalchuk has gone to fat camp every year since she was a girl. Not this year. This year she has new plans to chase her secret dream—and to kiss her crush. Callie Reyes is the pretty girl who is next in line for dance team captain and has the popular boyfriend. But when it comes to other girls, she’s more frenemy than friend. When circumstances bring the girls together over the course of a semester, they will surprise everyone (especially themselves) by realizing they might have more in common than they ever imagined.

I read Dumplin' a few years ago, and as soon as I finished it, I immediately knew that I had fallen in love with Julie Murphy's writing. And it's definitely safe to say that I felt the same way with Puddin'! If you're looking for a feel-good book about demanding the world treats you with respect while also getting to see some awesome friendships, cute boys, plus lots of jokes and revenge, then this book is definitely for you. So without further ado, let's get into the review!

As the summary explains, Millie knows that this is her summer. She doesn't want to keep going to fat camp, and she instead wants to apply to a journalism boot camp, even though she knows her parents definitely won't approve. Especially not her mother, who is hell bent on making sure Millie pulls out the inner "skinny girl" that's been waiting inside of her for so long. Even if that isn't what she wants.

And then Millie meets Callie, resident dance expert at their high school, who makes a few stupid decisions that definitively kick her off of the team and have her as Millie's coworker instead. But as prickly as Callie can be, Millie sees something inside her worth getting to know, despite Callie's rudest efforts to keep her at bay. But before long, both girls start to realize there's more to each other than meets the eye, and an unlikely friendship starts to bloom.

What I loved most about this book was how unapologetic Millie was, in all aspects of her life. There isn't a single instance in this book (at least, one that I could remember) where Millie wished she was skinnier or regretted being fat or felt ashamed of who she was. She knew from the very start of this story that she wanted to be a journalist, and she wanted to be on the air, regardless of what people's misconceptions about beauty were. She knew what she was after and she would stop at nothing to get it. And that attitude really resonated with me and had me cheering her on with each passing page. 

Another thing I really enjoyed about this book was the reappearance of some of my favorite characters! At first, I was a bit worried since it's been so long since I've read Dumplin', and I'll admit that my memory of the specific stuff that happened with the pageant was kind of fuzzy, so I wasn't sure how confused I would be. But it didn't end up being an issue at all, and seeing the adorable relationship between Willowdean and Bo made my heart all warm and fuzzy again just like it did the first time I stepped into their story. The appearance of all the old characters and the references to the pageant were, in my opinion, perfectly balanced out -- the story can absolutely stand on its own, but there are definitely a lot of Easter eggs in there for diligent readers!

However, I wasn't in love with all of the characters -- Callie was definitely my least favorite and got on my nerves a lot, even if she had a decent character arc and came around toward the end. She said a lot of pretty hurtful things, both internally and externally, that made me dislike her from the very beginning, and there were also some times where she seemed kind of spoiled. Maybe that's just my opinion because I avoided girls like that in high school, so I could be totally biased I wouldn't necessarily take my thoughts on this to have any weight. But yeah, I really wasn't a fan of her, but her swing around toward the end was a little more uplifting and made me tolerate her just a little more. But Millie definitely remains my favorite.

Overall, I really enjoyed reading Puddin', and I'm so glad that I finally got the chance to pick it up. If you haven't read this companion novel yet, then it's safe to say that you're definitely missing out -- and if you haven't read either book yet, then what on earth are you waiting for? Two amazing stories from the hysterical, badass Julie Murphy await, and you definitely don't want to miss out on them!

Cover Reveal: You're the One I Don't Want by Carrie Aarons!

Today we are revealing the cover for an upcoming standalone title from Carrie Aarons. YOU'RE THE ONE I DON'T WANT releases November 15th, and you will not want to miss this second-chance romance. Be sure to add the book to your TBR pile now and follow Carrie for exclusive updates about the book.

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You're the One I Don't Want by Carrie Aarons

Releasing November 15

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Book Blurb:

Love is weakness.
Which is why Annabelle Mills vowed a long time ago to never let it destruct her. A former pageant queen with a bite equally as lethal as her bark, she’s interning at her dream job on the set of the highest-rated home design show on television. Everything in Annabelle’s life, though it may be cold and isolated, is going exactly as she always planned.
Until her ex-high school sweetheart moves to town. The same boy that she cheated on, once upon a time, essentially breaking both of their hearts. But no one knows the full story, and being vulnerable enough to open up about it is not on Annabelle’s checklist.
Hate is fuel.
The kind that courses through Boone Graham’s veins and allows him to shut out everyone around him. As the hottest rookie on Austin’s professional baseball team, he should be spending his days hitting homeruns and signing jerseys. Except he’s seen dreams ripped right out from under those closest to him, leaving them with nothing.
Without a college degree, he’ll never take the risk of pursuing his real dream. But when he runs into the girl who took a mallet to his heart and stopped it beating, attending the same university might just be the biggest challenge he’s faced yet.
As the semester unfolds, the line between love and hate is blurred. And with the amount of baggage stacked between them, together is the last thing they want to be.
That’s the thing about hearts, though. They develop plans all on their own.



Author of romance novels such as Red Card and Privileged, Carrie Aarons writes books that are just as swoon-worthy as they are sarcastic. A former journalist, she prefers the stories she dreams up, and the yoga pant dress code, much better.
When she isn't writing, Carrie is busy binging reality TV, having a love/hate relationship with cardio, and trying not to burn dinner. She lives in the suburbs of New Jersey with her husband, daughter and dog.


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InkSlinger Blogger Final

We'd like to thank the awesome team at Inkslinger for allowing us to participate in this cover reveal! This book cover is so gorgeous and we can't wait to add this one to our TBR!

Top Ten Tuesday: Villains!

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl in which we create bookish lists about everything from our favorite characters to love triangles and everything in between!

This weeks theme: Villains!

For this weeks theme, it's all about the antagonist of the story. Most of the time we love to hate the infamous villains but today it's all about them. These are our "favorite" villains.

1 . Zero from Warcross

2. The Reestablishment from Shatter Me 

3. President Snow from The Hunger Games

4. Maven Calore from the Red Queen

5. The Darkling from the Grisha Trilogy

6. Victoria from Eclipse (Twilight #3)

7. The Volturi from the Twilight Saga

8. Clancy from The Darkest Minds

9. King of Ardalan from Throne of Glass

10. Ridley Duchannes from Beautiful Creatures

Emily's Review: Warcross (Warcross #1) by Marie Lu

Title: Warcross (Warcross #1)
Author: Marie Lu
Genre: YA Sci-Fi 
Publisher: G.P. Putnam's Sons Books for Young Readers
Rating: 5/5 stars

For the millions who log in every day, Warcross isn’t just a game—it’s a way of life. The obsession started ten years ago and its fan base now spans the globe, some eager to escape from reality and others hoping to make a profit. Struggling to make ends meet, teenage hacker Emika Chen works as a bounty hunter, tracking down players who bet on the game illegally. But the bounty hunting world is a competitive one, and survival has not been easy. Needing to make some quick cash, Emika takes a risk and hacks into the opening game of the international Warcross Championships—only to accidentally glitch herself into the action and become an overnight sensation.
Convinced she’s going to be arrested, Emika is shocked when instead she gets a call from the game’s creator, the elusive young billionaire Hideo Tanaka, with an irresistible offer. He needs a spy on the inside of this year’s tournament in order to uncover a security problem . . . and he wants Emika for the job. With no time to lose, Emika’s whisked off to Tokyo and thrust into a world of fame and fortune that she’s only dreamed of. But soon her investigation uncovers a sinister plot, with major consequences for the entire Warcross empire.
Someone please tell me why it took me so long to finally pick this book up? I think there was so much hype around it that it just really didn't interest me, but boy was I wrong. After nagging from both Jessica and Amber, I gave it a chance and now I'm hooked. 

Like is says in the summary, Emika Chen is barely making ends meet as a bounty hunter. Days away from being evicted, Emika accidentally glitches herself into the Warcross opening ceremony, in an attempt to steal a rare power up for some quick cash. The glitch caught the eye of Warcross creator, Hideo Tanaka. Emika is sent off to Tokyo and given a job offer she can't refuse. Soon she is caught up in the world of Warcross and its world championship, tasked with uncovering a dangerous hacker. Emika soon comes face to face with a budding romance, new fame, and dangerous secrets that can potentially change everything Warcross and the NeuroLink has come to be.

Emika Chen, in my opinion, is a total badass. She dives right in to her task and doesn't let anything get in her way or stop her form accomplishing her hunt. 

Hideo Tanka, creator of Warcross and the NeuroLink, is a closed book. He always seem to have a cool, calm, and collected air about him, leaving his emotions bare and readable to the public eye. Something about Emika seems to drawn Hideo in and she begins cracking his hard exterior.

This book was a page turner. Every twist and turn had me holding my breath and screaming out when secrets were unveiled. I was immediately pulled into the world of Warcross and there was no getting out. Marie Lu did an excellent job of keeping the reader engaged and on their toes. There wasn't much I didn't like about this book and I kind of wish I could live in the world of Warcross. Just the idea of the NeuroLink makes me wish it was real and that I had one for myself.

So, my point being, READ THIS. 

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