Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl in which we create bookish lists about everything from our favorite characters to love triangles and everything in between!
This week's theme: Things That Make Me Pick Up a Book!
1. Pretty Book Covers!- I am a sucker for pretty book covers. I am a huge believer in "Don't judge a book by its cover," but I am easily distracted by shiny and pretty objects.
2. "If you like this, then try this!" - Though the supply of science fiction and fantasy book are never ending I am always gonna pick up a book if it's compared to some of my all time favorites.
3. DRAGONS - If there are dragons then sign me up!
4. Contains the "villain to lovers" trope - Sorry, this is my guilty pleasure. Think of Warner and Juliette from the Shatter Me series by Tahereh Mafi. Villains in the first half of the series and now currently lovers.
I thought this list was going to be super hard to compile because typically I just pick off the list of review copies I have to read and that is that. But once I was thinking about it there are a lot of things that make me pick up a book. Here is the list:
1. Pretty Book Covers!- I am a sucker for pretty book covers. I am a huge believer in "Don't judge a book by its cover," but I am easily distracted by shiny and pretty objects.
2. "If you like this, then try this!" - Though the supply of science fiction and fantasy book are never ending I am always gonna pick up a book if it's compared to some of my all time favorites.
3. DRAGONS - If there are dragons then sign me up!
4. Contains the "villain to lovers" trope - Sorry, this is my guilty pleasure. Think of Warner and Juliette from the Shatter Me series by Tahereh Mafi. Villains in the first half of the series and now currently lovers.
5. ALIENS/Alien Invasion - Uh hello. I LOVE alien books!
6. Russian Aspects (Language, Setting, Customs) - Think of the Grisha Trilogy, Six of Crows and King of Scars and how the language and the setting is. It is one of my favorite things in a fantasy world!
7. Books with interesting formats - I love how the Illuminae trilogy and The Dead House were formatted. If a book is formatted like that there is a 10/10 chance I am going to read it!
10. A horrible plague - I love love love plague books, especially dark fantasy ones like Give the Dark my Love by Beth Revis!
Do we have any of the same reasons in common? What is the biggest reason that you will pick up a book? Leave the link to your TTT below so we can stop back!
Dragons have been on so many lists this week. I like reading about them, too!
ReplyDeleteMy post: http://www.lydiaschoch.com/top-ten-tuesday-things-that-make-me-pick-up-a-book/
I feel like there are so little books with out dragons in them! I recently finished THE PRIORY OF THE ORANGE TREE and loved it! So many dragonssssssssss
DeleteI agree with everything on this list!