Top Ten Tuesday: The First Ten Books I Reviewed!

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl in which we create bookish lists about everything from our favorite characters to love triangles and everything in between!

This week's theme: (First Ten) Books I Reviewed

The post is making me cringe, not because it is a bad prompt. It is amazing and I love it. But because I choose not to look at my old reviews for a reason, I was 15 didn't know one thing about reviewing books and still had only a small view of the world. I've grown a lot as a person, reader and reviewer in the past five years and reading through some of these and cringing because of how bad they are not even because the review is bad but because I didn't understand trigger warnings and post formatting. 

Here are the first 10 reviews that I (Amber) posted on The Book Bratz! 


1. Born at Midnight by C.C.Hunter - Reviewed on: 5/4/13
2. The Program by Suzanne Young - Reviewed on: 6/14/13
3. The Hallow by Jessica Verday - Reviewed on: 6/23/13
4. Crushed by Sarah Shepard - Reviewed on: 6/23/13
5. Juliette Immortal by Stacey Jay - Reviewed on: 6/27/13


6. Forgotten by Sarah J. Pepper - Reviewed on: 8/3/13
7. Soul Thief by Jana Oliver - Reviewed on: 8/15/13
8. The Taking by Kimberly Derting - Reviewed on: 5/19/14
9. The Revealed by Jessica Hickam - Reviewed on: 5/21/14
10. Unchained by J. Lynn - Reviewed on: 5/29/14

What a trip down memory lane this was! What were some of your first book reviews? Leave the link to your TTT so we can stop back! 


  1. Do you think you'll ever reread any of these books?

    My TTT.

  2. I liked seeing your old reviews. What would you do differently about them if you could write them again?

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

  3. Lots of blue covers here! I didn't write any book reviews until I was out of college, so I can see maybe not wanting people to read ones you wrote when you were 15. Glad you're still reviewing though!


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