The first month of 2020 has come and gone, which means it's time for our January 2020 blogging recap! So without further ado, let's take a peek into all of the things we accomplished on the blog this month:
In January...
....We reviewed tons of great books!
Check out our review archive to see what reviews we added this month!
....We interviewed the first 2020 debut authors!
Last year, we started a project where we made it our goal to collaborate with more debut authors, and we got to kick it off again this year with the some more 2020 debuts! This month, we interviewed Laynie Bynum, Lani Forbes, Kim Smejkal, and Phil Stamper!
Last year, we started a project where we made it our goal to collaborate with more debut authors, and we got to kick it off again this year with the some more 2020 debuts! This month, we interviewed Laynie Bynum, Lani Forbes, Kim Smejkal, and Phil Stamper!
....We outlined our 2020 blogging resolutions!
You can read them here -- we also analyzed our 2019 goals!
What was your favorite thing that we did on the blog this month? We didn't do much since a lot of the month was spent settling back into school and getting our act together, but we're prepared and ready to go for February! What are your recommendations for future posts/reviews? Comment down below and let us know! :-)
Now it's time for February, the month of love! As a group of ladies who LOVES reading rom-coms, this is the perfect time of year for us! :-)

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