Our 2016 Blogging Resolutions!

tv friends happy new year new year new years eve

Happy New Year! It's the first day of 2016 (which feels super weird to say), which means that people are starting to broadcast all of their New Year's Resolutions. In addition to whatever resolutions we've made for ourselves personally, we also have a list of things that we want to work on blog-wise for 2016. So without further ado, here are our 2016 resolutions for The Book Bratz! (In no particular order!)

1. Keep up with our review archive! We really mean to do this, but we schedule our posts in advance, so they get posted while we're at school or out and about. We do that because we don't have time to sit and publish them right away, which means we don't have time to add them to the archives either. We need to make time for that!

2. Tweet the links to our posts each day! We try to do this every day, but it goes back to us being in school and running errands and stuff and sometimes we just FORGET.

3. Be more active on Twitter in general! Right now I (Jessica) really only get time to go on Twitter at night right before bed, which means I only leave myself like half an hour to go on and answer Tweets and just check out our feed in general. I want to be more involved!

4. Let you guys know more about our personal lives. We do a lot of bookish things here (as we should be), but doing some posts to help you learn about our own personal lives and our other interests is definitely a major goal for 2016.

5. Read and review more books! We go through stages with this blog: We are speed demons that read so fast we schedule reviews for months in advance, and then we slump and then barely do three posts a week. A major goal is to have something to post every single day in 2016 and keep the productivity streak going.

6. Comment on more blogs! I always tell myself (Amber) that I will do this more often, and then I always push it off and not do it. In 2016 my goal is to comment on a minimum of 10 blogs a day! 

7. Come up with more discussion posts! We try to be original in every way possible, but a lot of discussions have been done already. My goal for 2016 is to cover the basic of blogging, helpful tips, and hopefully have more ideas as time goes on! 

8. Read more backlisted books! Seriously, I read so many ARCs. I have an issue with requesting. My eyes are bigger then my ability to read and I get swamped and have no time. Which brings me to my next resolution: 

9. Request less ARCs! They are all published eventually. I don't have to click the request button on all of them. Seriously, I would take a lot of stress of my back with dead lines and all! 

10. Make blog improvements! My big goal is to become more familiar with graphic designing and HTML to edit the blog. I get bored with layouts easily, and it would give me a lot more freedom to keep things fresh on here! 

So that's it for our New Year's Blogging Resolutions! What are yours? Comment down below and let us know - and have a happy and amazing New Year, everybody! We love each and every one of you and are so grateful for the success and love you have shared with us for the past few years. We love you and this community forever and ever!

happy new year new year new years eve forrest gump new years


  1. Items 5, 6, 7 are more or less my resolutions, too. You two girls are great already but here's to greater 2016! Happy New Year!

  2. I want to be more productive, but I know I'll end up in my usual slump LOL. It's difficult to juggle everything.
    I wish you success with all your goals, and I'm especially looking forward to those discussion posts... ;)

    1. It is difficult, but you use to it all eventually. Yay! I am too, I just need to write them

  3. Great goals girls! Have fun completing them all :) It's such a great feeling when you get a resolution finished. Happy new year!

  4. #10 -- I really want to do more with my blog! I know some HTML but decoding the CSS mess of Blogger is beyond me right now LOL. *needs a spare brain*

    Happy New Year, ladies! :)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

    1. I have no patience to learn it lately. It is like a complete other language to me. Tutorials have been a big help though!

  5. I know what you mean about never having time for twitter. I have to manage a few accounts and thinking of things on the spot is tough. I have a goal (goals) to read and write more this year!

    My TBWRAP List --> https://danielwaltztwt.wordpress.com/2016/01/01/new-year-new-month-fresh-tbr-list-sort-of/

    I'll definitely be checking you guys out more this year! Just followed you on twitter!

  6. YES TO TWEETING LINKS TO OUR POSTS EACH DAY! I AM SO BAD AT THIS! I wish I was smart enough to add this to my list, so it'll just be a silent resolution!

    1. Haha, with school and waking up so early it isn't the first thing on our minds. We do it for the most part though!

  7. Best of luck with these resolutions! You girls are on Blogger right? If you ever switch over to WordPress (I don't think Blogger does it) there's a thing that you can do to connect your blog to Twitter, and then it automatically tweets links every time you publish a post. But I know what you mean about ARCs taking over your TBRs. I made a pledge to stop requesting ARCs this year too. I read too many ARCs, and I hate the pressure to have them read & reviewed by a certain date. Hopefully it work out the best for the both of us.

    1. Ohh really? We debating on switching over but decided against it. I'm not stopping requesting, but I am going to slow down. I never get to read anything that has been published anymore

  8. I also want to comment more on other blogs as well as request less ARCs but seriously it's so hard to resist but I'm definitely going to try. Also I want to maintain an equal balance between studying and reading because that scale reeeeally got bent in 2015! Nonetheless, loved this post. I'm sure you both will be able to fulfill your resolutions. And wish you both a very Happy New Year! :-D

    My recent post Monthly Wrap Up- December 2015 & 2016 Goals!

    1. It is hard to resist! It is like taking a kid to a candy store. Thank you so much! Happy New Year to you too!


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