***I want to stress that ARCs are not everything in the blogging world. They are a privilege, not something you are entitled too***
"NetGalley is an innovative and easy-to-use online service and connection point for book publishers, reviewers, media, librarians, booksellers, bloggers and educators. NetGalley delivers digital galleys, often called advance reading copies, or ARCs, to professional readers and helps promote new and upcoming titles. Professional readers--reviewers, media, journalists, bloggers, librarians, booksellers and educators--can join and use NetGalley at no cost." -Taken from NetGalley's siteI first started on NetGalley about 3 weeks into blogging, and was approved for my first title shortly after. Digital ARCs and what a publisher looks for varies, so you may get accepted for one title, but denied for another. They are all different publishers as well so keep that in mind.
Important things to rember:
I get that it is so easy to hit the request button but limit yourself, because that feedback number (that also helps you get approved) does matter! Mine took forever to read 91% and that is now with almost two years into blogging. At one point it was at 10%, and I got denied for everything. This shows publishers how likely you are to read and review their books!
Also, make sure your account is set to blogger (Unless you are not a blogger) it gives the publisher an idea of where you will be reviewing.
I use Edelweiss a lot more then NetGalley now, though a little more confusing to use it is a great place to gain access to HarperTeen, Simon Pulse and other titles. I know some people have no luck on Edelweiss but some do. I'm assuming it depends on the demand of the ARC and information you have provided. When I first started on Edelweiss I was seriously confused on what was going on. As time went on I got into the swing of things, but I saw that a lot of bloggers miss awesome review opportunities because they don't know how to use Edelweiss. Here is a walk through on how to use Edelweiss :
Seeing if your approved:
You're approved:
Writing the review:
(It was easier with graphics then explaining it through text! These graphics are a few months old too. I just never wrote this post *sigh*)
*Information to include in your profiles*:
For example this is what you should include in your profiles:
My name is _____ and I am a Young Adult book blogger at _________ (blog URL).
♥ Page Views (Overall)
♥ Page Views (Per Month)
♥ Page Views (Per day)
♥ GFC followers (If you are a Blogger blog)
♥ Blog Lovin' Followers (Bloglovin' URL)
♥ E-Mail Subscribers
♥ Twitter Followers (Twitter URL)
♥ Facebook Likes (Facebook URL)
I update my stats weekly or bi-weekly considering they change day to day. Everyone has a different style for their profiles, I keep mine neat and broken down, I've seen some people combine all their followers and include that number as well. It is open to how ever you want to do it. When it comes to this stuff the right and wrong lines are a little blurred, honesty is always the best policy!
Fantastic post ladies!! I usually have better luck on NG than on EW, but it depends on the publisher! Harper doesn't like me on EW at all! ;)
ReplyDeleteI have an Edelweiss account but I thought it was so complicated! The tutorial makes it easier to use, though.
ReplyDeleteMajanka @ I Heart Reading
Great post! I always use NG, because I keep hearing EW is really complicated and it's harder to get approved. But after reading this post, I think I will give EW a chance.
ReplyDeleteSofia @ Bookish Wanderess
I never get approved on Edelweiss and have all but given it up. I have all my stats and everything there, but the only time I get books on EW is when its part of a blog tour I am signed up for :( I have much better luck on Net Galley!
ReplyDeleteThank you for this great info! Hope you don't mind us sharing!
ReplyDeleteGreat post! I use Edelweiss a hell of a lot more than I do Netgalley. It's easier to get approved of, even if it isn't as user friendly. Takes some getting used to is all.
ReplyDeleteThis was a really helpful post! I always try requesting books on Edelweiss, but I don't tend to get accepted on there that often. I've actually never been approved for a book from Harper, which is kind of upsetting because I love their books. Do you ever write stuff in the part where it says why you want to request the title?
ReplyDeleteKrystianna @ Downright Dystopian
Thank you for the great info. I have an Edelweiss account but I haven't looked on the site for ages because I rarely got excepted and it's so complicated. I'm really successful on NetGalley and it's so much easier, but I may give Edel. another try.
ReplyDeleteI have never tried edelweiss and I won't for some time. Here's why... When I first discovered Netgalley I requested way too many titles. I was so new I thought I'll be lucky if I get approved for one. I was approved for twelve. I am still working on them and won't request anymore till I have read them all even if it takes all year. Learned my lesson. Appreciate your advice and will bookmark this post for next year when I might try edelweiss.
ReplyDeleteThis is exactly the same point that I am at too. Right down to the number 12. Still working on it...
Deleteso helpful thank you!