It's Day Three of NaNoWriMo, and I am totally pumped. Hopefully everyone got off to a great start!
If you're new to the blog, then let me explain: I participate in National Novel Writing Month every year, and throughout the month of November I sprinkle in a few posts about my progress. So now that it's officially here, it means that I have been stocking up on all sorts of sugary Halloween candy and retreating to my writing cave (AKA my desk in my cluttered dorm room) every night to string together a few more threads of my story.
Not going to lie, the adjustment from doing NaNoWriMo at home in high school versus doing it in college is WORLDS different. I have so much to do now that I have very little time in my day (if any) for leisure activities. So I really have to work some writing time into my schedule every day, and I'm working on trying not to feel guilty when I do, because when you're in college basically everything you do outside of the library or class feels like procrastinating. Even taking a shower or eating your first meal in four days. You can't enjoy a moment without thinking of all the things you could be doing with that precious time.
It's seriously exhausting.
So here's to hoping that things get a little better this time around, because I'm off to a good start and I am looking to finish up my current work in progress this time around. Although I started writing it a little bit before NaNoWriMo, I'm using November as the kick in the butt I needed to get me to finish up this story.
As for what I'm writing, I'm going to keep that under wraps a little bit, because I feel like the more I talk about my book to people, the more pressure is on and the less excited I feel to complete it. So while I'll withhold all of the juicy details for the time being, I can say that it's a story about a girl who is the daughter of two of the world's most famous writers of the time...while she has no writing talent whatsoever. And it's when she gets dragged on a writing retreat with her parents that she meets a boy...and what happens between them is definitely interesting, to say the least.
Yeah. I'm a big fan of mushy, gushy, swoon-worthy and adorable romances.
How's NaNoWriMo going for you guys? Did you start a new piece or are you looking to finish one? What's it about? Comment down below and tell me everything! (I am nosy. And I also like my writer friends.)
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