Hey there, everybody! Jessica here with a brief little check-in. How has NaNoWriMo been going for everyone? We're officially at the halfway point (okay, we're a day over the halfway point, but we're doing to pretend that doesn't count) so that means you have two weeks left to reach 50K! Which is totally doable, so if you're ahead of the game, keep chugging along. And if you aren't quite there yet, keep pushing and getting in some extra words whenever you can find the chance! You can totally do this!
Now, as for my personal progress with my NaNoWriMo project. I actually wrote super hard and went crazy for the first two weeks, and I ended up hitting 50K and finishing the first draft of my manuscript earlier this week. Which is super great and all, and I'm so glad I finished early and can enjoy my Thanksgiving break home with my family, but that doesn't mean I'm done! I'll still be hanging around here and on Twitter to encourage everyone and keep you all pushing forward.
How is your progress going with NaNo? Are you halfway there? Over that? Below it? What are some of your tips for getting your word count in, even when you're super exhausted and just not up to it? I love all of you guys and I'm also super nosy, which means that I really want to know what everyone's up to and how they're doing! And don't forget to follow our Twitter, where I'll always be hanging around and asking about NaNoWriMo!
Hang in there, grab those pens, and go tackle National Novel Writing Month. This community is filled with some of the strongest people I know, and I'm positive that we can all work hard and cross that 50K finish line together. So what are you waiting for? Comment your current progress down below and then get writing!

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