Review: Kim Reaper, Vol. 1: Grim Beginnings by Sarah Graley

Title: Kim Reaper, Vol. 1: Grim Beginnings
Author: Sarah Graley
Publisher: Oni Press
Rating: 3/5 Stars
Paperback, 112 Pages
Published March 2018

Summary: Like most university students, Kim works a part-time job to make ends meet. Unlike most university students, Kim's job is pretty cool: she's a grim reaper, tasked with guiding souls into the afterlife. Like most university students, Becka has a super intense crush. Unlike most university students, Becka's crush is on a beautiful gothic angel that frequents the underworld. Of course, she doesn't know that. Unaware of the ghoulish drama she's about to step into, Becka finally gathers up the courage to ask Kim on a date! But when she falls into a ghostly portal and interrupts Kim at her job, she sets off a chain of events that will pit the two of them against angry cat-dads, vengeful zombies, and perhaps even the underworld itself. But if they work together, they just might make it... and maybe even get a smooch in the bargain.

I received a copy of this graphic novel in exchange for an honest review from Margot Wood and the lovely team over at Oni Press. As someone who hadn't read a lot of graphic novels before this, I was talking to Margot about how I wanted to get into more of them, but I wasn't sure where to start as someone who really likes contemporary and/or comedy, but I wasn't a huge fantasy fan, so I felt stuck and unsure of where to start. Luckily, Margot saved the day by sending me a stack of graphic novels to try, and Kim Reaper was one of them! So, without further ado, let's get into my review!

I thought this was a really funny story, especially with all of the illustrations and different characters and the inside jokes and everything. I thought the grim reaper council was hilarious, especially with how incompetent they all seemed, and just the idea of a college student getting paid to be a part-time grim reaper was really funny in and of itself. This book is definitely super hilarious, so if you're looking for a laugh, I'd recommend picking this on up.

I really liked Kim's character, especially all of her outfits, which I thought were super adorable. However, Becka's character actually annoyed me a little bit. It's hard to put my finger on it, but she just seemed really immature and I didn't find her jokes all of that funny, and she got on my nerves a lot of the times where she was on the page. Which I don't think is any issue with the story itself, she just wasn't really a character that I vibed with. She seemed really pushy and irritating. But like I said, I absolutely loved Kim's character. The gym guy with the cats was also pretty funny. Until he, you know...yeah. I'll just let you read the book to find that one out.

The illustrations in this book were also really well done, and I loved all of the purples and pinks and blacks, that whole goth-teen vibe that threw me back to Hot Topic days. I really like Sarah Graley's illustration style, which I also recognized from Our Super Adventure, with all of the bright colors that pop and the glossy pages and everything. 

Overall, I liked reading Kim Reaper. It wasn't my favorite, but it's definitely a good book to pick up if you're looking for a quick laugh. I breezed through this one because the story was so fast-paced that I always wanted to know what was going to happen next, so it's one that I'd definitely recommend if you're looking to boost your Goodreads Reading Challenge but you find yourself short on time!


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