Review: Our Super Adventure: Video Games and Pizza Parties by Sarah Graley & Stef Purenins

Title: Our Super Adventure: Video Games and Pizza Parties
Authors: Sarah Graley & Stef Purenins
Publisher: Oni Press
Rating: 3/5 Stars
Hardcover, 240 Pages
Published July 2019

Summary: Just how much of the bed should your cats get to take up? If you lose at your video game, should you get a conciliatory hug? Does your partner think that you’re beautiful even though you feel like a goblin today? If any of this sounds familiar, you’re in the right place! Sarah Graley's second collection of hit diary webcomic Our Super Adventure shares three more years of cute and weird moments of Sarah’s life with her partner Stef and their four cats: Pesto, Toby, Pixel and Wilson! So whether you’re a heat vampire, the person who doesn’t want to share that last donut, or even someone who’s late to a party because a cat was sleeping on them, you’ll find that Video Games and Pizza Parties is packed full of strange yet wonderful moments that anyone can relate to!

I received a copy of this graphic novel from Margot Wood and the lovely team at Oni Press after BookExpo this year, where I spent some time talking to Margot about how I wanted to get more into graphic novels, but I wasn't quite sure where to start as a contemporary fan. Our Super Adventure was one of the books I got, and I wasn't sure what to expect, but I actually really liked it! So without further ado, let's get into my review.

I really liked the cute, short illustrations in this book. Time passed pretty quickly while I was reading, and I managed to finish all 200+ pages in less than an hour. The book itself is a pretty small square, and each comic is only 4 little panels on a single page, so it makes for easy reading. It was also really interesting to read this book, knowing it was based on actual conversations and things that happened between Sarah and Stef, as real people, and as the authors. I thought that all of the cats were so adorable, and so were Stef and Sarah as a couple. I also read the first Kim Reaper book by Sarah, so I knew I recognized the illustations in this book as well!

Another thing I enjoyed about this book was that it didn't have a narrative format, it was more of a collection of the comics about them that Sarah has done over the years, so it could be picked up and put down whenever. I read it in a single sitting because I was having a graphic-novel reading marathon, but if you didn't have the time to get through everything in one shot, this is the kind of book that you can put down and pick up again after any period of time, because there's no singular cohesive narrative that you have to fall back into. You don't even need to read the book in order if you don't want to!

Overall, I enjoyed reading Our Super Adventure. Seeing the daily interactions between Sarah and Stef and their adorable little family, and all of their jokes and sweet little moments, was really heartwarming and reminded me just how comfortable true love can be. If you're looking for a quick read or a good book to put on your coffee table to flip through whenever you need a pick-me-up, I'd definitely recommend this one!


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