It's officially the last month of 2018, which means it's time to recap all of the awesome things we did here on the blog in November! So without further ado, let's get into the recap!
In November...
....We did more guest reviews!
We started featuring guest reviews from other readers and bloggers on The Book Bratz (2 or 3 each month) earlier this year, and SO many awesome people seemed interested that we opened it up for the rest of the year! If you're interested in guest reviewing for us, head over to the Contact Us tab and shoot us an email! :-)
....We reviewed tons of great books!
This month, we reviewed Aquicorn Cove, Odd One Out, Jack of Hearts (and Other Parts), This is Not a Love Letter, Just For Clicks, The Similars, Match Me If You Can, Let's Talk About Love, Broken Things, The Wedding Date, and The Cruel Prince!
....We talked about the bookish things we were thankful for!
In honor of Thanksgiving, we talked about nine of the bookish things that we were thankful for this year, which you can check out by clicking here.
....We interviewed authors RuthAnne Snow, R.N. Merle, and Tiana Smith!
....We talked about NaNoWriMo!
Even though we didn't participate traditionally this year, we still managed to work on manuscript edits, and we recap how that went here.
....We discussed toxic relationships in YA!
What was your favorite thing that we did on the blog this month? What are your recommendations for future posts/reviews? Comment down below and let us know! :-)
Now it's time for December -- which means our favorite time of the year is finally here...CHRISTMAS!!!

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