Amber's NetGalley Pile! (Part 2!)

Happy Monday! 🤩 I did a NetGalley pile a few months and it was a lot of fun to make and I loved hearing what everyone was excited to read. So, I made an updated one with mostly new titles that I have been approved for! I'm not going to lie, I get request happy and start requesting anything that catches my eye. Which tends to get me in a lot of trouble. Luckily, I have a lot of free time at the moment, so I hope to blow through this list pretty quick! 

If you aren't similar with NetGalley or what it is, check out this post to learn more about here!

Fall 2020 Titles:



2021 Titles:


I am super excited for all of these titles, but Phoenix Flame, Dustborn and These Violent Delights are at the top of my anticipation lists! 

Have you read any of these yet or are you looking forward to them? What books have you  read from NetGalley recently? Let me know in the comments below! 

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