"Waiting On Wednesday" is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking The Spine where we highlight some of the upcoming books we can't wait to read!

Title: Majesty (American Royals, #2)
Author: Katharine McGee
Publisher: Random House Books for Young Readers
Hardcover, 320 Pages
Publication Date: September 1st, 2020

Summary: Power is intoxicating. Like first love, it can leave you breathless. Princess Beatrice was born with it. Princess Samantha was born with less. Some, like Nina Gonzalez, are pulled into it. And a few will claw their way in. Ahem, we're looking at you Daphne Deighton. As America adjusts to the idea of a queen on the throne, Beatrice grapples with everything she lost when she gained the ultimate crown. Samantha is busy living up to her "party princess" persona...and maybe adding a party prince by her side. Nina is trying to avoid the palace--and Prince Jefferson--at all costs. And a dangerous secret threatens to undo all of Daphne's carefully laid "marry Prince Jefferson" plans. A new reign has begun....
I read AMERICAN ROYALS last year and really loved it -- I thought the concept was so different and exciting! So, needless to say, I'm incredibly excited to get my hands on a copy of MAJESTY to find out what will be happening next -- especially after the cliffhanger we were left off on last time!
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