Hello everyone! I wasn't able to put up my update post last week because I had a whole bunch of stuff going on, but today I'm here to update you on the progress of my #TackeYourTBR! If you don't know what that is, #TackleYourTBR is a month long challenge dedicated to readers and bloggers. The goal is to complete any challenges or goals you set up at the beginning of the year before 2015 ends. Just some examples of this include your towering ARC/TBR stacks or your Goodreads 2015 Reading Challenges! If you've participated in ARC August before, think of this challenge like that - but instead of challenging yourself to finish your ARCs, you're just challenging yourself to finish any challenges you signed up for throughout the year that still need to be completed!
At the beginning of every year, thousands of bloggers and readers sign up for a wide variety of challenges (Goodreads, NetGalley/EW challenge, etc.), involving both reading and blogging. With the year coming to the close many of you may be scrambling to finish these challenges and we’re here to cheer you along!
So this is the second week of #TackleYourTBR, and I'm here to update you all on my progress! (I hate to tell you, but it isn't much.) For #TackleYourTBR I chose to complete my 2015 Goodreads challenge, which is to read 100 books in 2015. I'm up to Book #86, so I have a lot of reading to get done!!
Here's what I completed for #TackleYourTBR so far:

And here's what I'm currently reading for the challenge!

Lastly, here's what I plan to read for my challenge after I finish The White Rose:

And that's it! I hope you guys continue to work on your challenges and accomplish your goals!
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