Summer 2014 Wrap Up!

This was our first summer as bloggers and I think it was pretty successful. We've talked to some pretty amazing people, organized a blogger tour, and learned that blogging isn't always easy. I am excited to say that I can't wait for another year of doing this! Here is what we read and did this summer: 

Amber's Summer Reads:

Amber's Reviews:
  TV Shows Completed: 

I would like to thank Ri, Dana and Rachel for getting me hooked on this show. It has officially taken of my life. I'm ready for season 3! 

Amber's Comments: 

Summer wasn't as productive as I wished it to be but it wasn't horrible. With school starting my reading will slow down more until I can get into an routine. But I am proud of the progress Jessica and I made during the summer. Now let's bring on our Junior year of High School and a job! 

Jessica's Summer Reads:

Jessica's Reviews:

Jessica's Comments:

I actually read a lot more books than I expected to this summer, and I'm hoping I can keep up the trend when school finally rolls around (but unfortunately, I doubt that's going to happen!). I covered a lot of tours and ARCs and the blog was busy and packed pretty much every day of the summer, which was impressive. Time for school, and hopefully this doesn't cut into my reading time! 

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