ARC Review: No Kissing Allowed by Melissa West (Blog Tour + Giveaway)

"Perhaps. But I’m guessing you could use my lips right about now.”

Title: No Kissing Allowed 
Author: Melissa West 
Genre: New Adult, Contemporary, Romance 
Source: NetGalley 
Publisher: Entangled Embrace 
Publication Date: July 28th, 2015

Armed with her besties, an embarrassing number of shots, and her list of 10 Wild Things To Do Before Adulthood, recent grad Cameron Lawson is partying it up before she starts her dream job at New York's biggest ad agency. Her last task? Hook up with a random guy. And while it's so not her style, the super-sexy guy sitting next to her is definitely game. No names. No details. At least, that was the plan. On her first day of work, Cameron discovers her hook-up is none other than Aidan Truitt—her new boss's boss. Talk about failing the “no fraternizing with coworkers” policy on an epic level. Especially when Aidan makes it clear their one night was only the beginning. Falling for him could cost her everything, but sometimes the only way to get what you want is by breaking a few rules...

Buy it: AmazonBarnes & NobleKobo BooksiBooks


I read Melissa's other NA series and thought that nothing else she could write would top it. I was wrong. No Kissing Allowed is full of angst, a taboo relationship and tons of steam. I was on vacation with family and some friends and I hid in a corner for two hours and just devoured this. All I can say is this: Aidan has been added to my very long list of book boyfriends. 

Cameron has never let go before, she loves structure. With her life officially taking off, her and her two besties make a list of 10 things to do before adulthood. Her last task? Hook up with a stranger. No problem. That is until she walks into work and learns that she had a one night stand with her boss. Aidan is honest with her from the start, he doesn't do romance or relationships, but he wants something with her. Cameron's new job has a "No fraternizing with co-workers" policy something the protect the female workers from the ovary explosion called Aidan. That could potentially end in both Cameron and Aiden in big trouble with the Partners if they are find out. But love is always worth breaking the rules. 

For the most part I really liked Cameron, you can see that she worked hard for what she wanted in her life. She broke away from a large family in the west, survived her father's unexpected death, and scored a once in a life time job at a HUGE advertisement company. She explains in the first chapter that she liked structure, and hooking up with a  stranger is not structure. But she goes along with it anyway because she HATES to loose. My biggest issue with Cameron was she always wanted more then what Aidan could offer her. They broke the rules for their "relationship" to begin with, and every time Aidan gave in Cameron would want more. Maybe I don't understand because I am young, but Aidan was doing the best he could. I also think another reason I has issues with Cameron was because I saw a lot of myself in her.

Aidan didn't have a great childhood, and because he was terrified to become like his father he swore he would never enter a committed relationship, marry, have kids, ect. Things changed when he met Cameron though. All the walls he spent years building up would crash when ever they would talk. But holy crap. I would have loved for this book to alternate POVs so I would have be able to see into his head. There is always something about the forbidden/taboo relationship that will always have me devouring a book. A relationship between a boss and a worker seems to be my favorite. For a good part of the book I wanted to reach my hands in and smash their faces together. This book had so much angst. And steam. Especially Steam. 

Alexa was a character I had many issues with. I knew from the time Cameron befriended her that Alexa would be the reason that the company would find out about Aidan and Cameron's relationship. All Alexa wanted was a promotion and was searching for any skeletons in anyone's closet to exploit. She was just a fake person. I hate back stabbing people. Then what does she do? She quits her job. Really? Ugh. 

Overall I really loved No Kissing Allowed. The characters were great and the need to know what would happen between Cameron and Aidan will leave you reading. I do hope that we get books about Cameron's friends as well. I am not quite ready to let them all go quite yet. 


About the Author: 

Links: WebsiteGoodreadsTwitterFacebook

Melissa West writes heartfelt Southern romance and teen sci-fi romance, all with lots of kissing. Because who doesn't like kissing? She lives outside of Atlanta, GA with her husband and two daughters and spends most of her time writing, reading, or fueling her coffee addiction. Connect with Melissa at or on Twitter @MB_West.


YA Bound Book Tours

Let's Talk: The Difference Between Negative and Book-Bashing Reviews

Today at The Book Bratz, I, Jessica, will be discussing an important topic: the difference between negative reviews and book-bashing reviews. This topic is crucial to discuss because countless times bloggers have written reviews of books with just the intent of expressing their opinion. However, especially when dealing with something (a book or a topic) that you don't like, more strong and hurtful feelings come out than you may intend to. This is where your review crosses into the territory of book-bashing, which is a hurtful, offensive, and absolutely unacceptable form of review writing that should never be done if you're operating as a professional or aspiring-professional in the blogging field. It should basically never be done, ever. The question is: how can you tell the difference between a negative review and a book-bashing review?


Negative reviews express their reasons for not liking the book in a calm and professional manner. Here is an excerpt of a review I have written in the past and rated two stars or below:

"I waded through this book for a good few chapters before I realized that it was so heavy that my mind was starting to wander. And that's when I knew I had to put it down." 

Book-bashing reviews express their reasons for not liking the book in a rash, offensive manner. A fictional example:

"This book was vomit-inducing, horrible, and just needs to be burned because it sucks that badly. I didn't even get past page ten." 

*Notice that in the negative review, I explained that the book wasn't capturing my interest because it was too heavy of a topic. I also stated that I gave the book a chance. In the book-bashing review, the book is called rash and offensive things such as "vomit-inducing," "horrible," and that "it just needs to be burned because it sucks that badly." The reader even admits that he/she didn't get past page ten. The book wasn't even given a fair shot to see if it would improve.


Negative reviews offer constructive criticism - ways that they wish the book had been improved.

"I wish that the author had developed the protagonist more, or added a few more scenes that would explain certain situations in more detail. If she had, maybe I would have understood the plot better."

Book-bashing reviews offer criticism on trivial things or things that can't be fixed - or are not viewed as constructive criticism. 

"The only thing the author could have done to fix this book would be if she went back in time and convinced herself to never write it."

*Notice how the negative reviewer actually explained several key ideas that would have improved the book for him/her. It leaves the reader with several points to think over, wondering what could happen if those events were changed in the writing. The book-bashing reviewer just continued to insult the book without pointing out what could have been fixed to leave them less confused or frustrated. It leaves the reader cringing and getting a hostile tone.


The intent of a negative review is to state why the reader wasn't a big fan of the book.

"So even if this book wasn't really my cup of tea, that doesn't mean it can't be somebody else's. It was a nice, easy read about a young girl navigating her way through high school, sticking to her morals and finding herself among her peers and family."

The intent of a book-bashing review is to attempt to turn all potential readers away from ever picking up the book.

"Do me a favor, and don't ever pick up this book. It sucks so bad that it isn't even worth your time."

*Notice that the negative review states that even though the reader wasn't a fan of the book, other readers are encouraged to give it a try. The review even sums up the story for anybody that would be potentially interested, even if that specific reader is not. The book-bashing review's clear intent is to ward all potential readers off from ever giving the book a fair shot, which is rude and unfair because everyone has a different reading taste.

Getting Personal

Negative reviews stick to talking about the subject at hand: the book being reviewed.

"All in all, this book definitely missed the mark for me, which was disappointing." 

Book-bashing reviews get personal and more often than not lead to personal attacks on the author's life or personality, which is not the subject of the review.

"This book sucked and not only can I not stand it, but I can't stand its author, either. She's a catty, snobby, vindictive person who deserves to have nobody read her book."


"What the heck was this author even thinking? She seriously must be dumb as a brick to write terrible stuff like this. I mean, did she even go to school? Get a degree in English? Who gave her the right to write this nonsense?"

*Notice that the negative review focused on the book while the book-bashing review turned its focus to the author and his/her personal life, possibly because the reviewer had nothing left to say about the book. Leave the authors out of it, unless you're giving them praise. If you have a personal problem or something of the like with the author, don't mention it. Leave it out. You are reviewing and critiquing the book, not the person. 

How do I know if my review is classified as negative or book-bashing?

There's a simple solution to deciding if your review is negative (in which case you have every right to post it) or book-bashing (in which case you should definitely rethink posting it). You just have to ask yourself a simple question: Would it be okay if I read this review out loud to the book's author?

Think about it. You'll naturally feel a little bit uncomfortable saying anything not positive about a writer's work to their face, yes. But if you're constructive and are honest with your feelings while remaining calm and professional, and you offer ideas to fix the solutions and have rational explanations for everything you've said, your review is not book-bashing. It's okay to not like everything you read. In fact, it's pretty normal. And definitely acceptable. What isn't acceptable is launching a tirade to scare readers away from the book and to make the author feel bad about himself or herself. Explain your feelings. JUSTIFY THEM WITH REASONS WHY YOU FEEL THE WAY YOU FEEL. Remember that someone will be reading your review - more times than not, the authors themselves. 

What do I need to remember when writing reviews about books I didn't like?

You need to remember that authors are people too. They are people who have put months, years, maybe even decades into the work you're writing about. It's okay not to like everything you read, like I said. It's expected. If you aren't crazy about a book, you have every right to say so. But you shouldn't take to social media with the intent of lashing out and being cruel and offensive and hurtful. And you always need to remember that you are reviewing the book, not the author. Take all of your personal beef with him or her and toss it to the side and write about how the book honestly makes you feel.

The best piece of advice when writing a review of a book you didn't like is to write all of your thoughts and feelings into the review first, raw and emotional. After you're done expressing your feelings, go back and revise it. Swap out offensive adjectives with kinder and more polite ones. Delete anything you wrote about the authors themselves, or anything that is so mean or offensive that you have no way to make it sound kinder. Read your review out loud and ask yourself if you'd feel comfortable emailing it to the author right that second. If you don't, continue fixing it. If you do, then you successively wrote a negative review.

Keep in mind that negative reviews are normal, and no blogger will ever truly be able to get away with not writing one. You just have to remember to review the book itself, not the author, and to make sure that in the end you would feel comfortable sending it to the author. (Because, believe it or not, whether or not you tag an author in his/her review, they'll find them. They'll read them. And if you're cruel and bash their book, their pride and joy, they'll be hurt.)

Here's what some of you had to say about negative reviews vs. book-bashing reviews:

I hope that this post helped to make you more aware of the differences between negative and book-bashing reviews, and that when you write reviews on unfavorable books in the future, you keep these ideas in mind! Remember, it's okay not to like something - but never okay to be hurtful about it.

Waiting on Wednesday #33: The Creeping by Alexandra Sirowy

"Waiting On Wednesday" is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking The Spine where we highlight some of the upcoming books we can't wait to read!

Jessica & Amber are Waiting On:

23309610Title: The Creeping
Author: Alexandra Sirowy
Genre: Mystery, Thriller 
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Publication Date: August 18th, 2015
Hardcover, 400 Pages
Summary: Twelve years ago Stella and Jeanie vanished while picking strawberries. Stella returned minutes later, with no memory of what happened. Jeanie was never seen or heard from again. Now Stella is seventeen, and she's over it. She's the lucky one who survived, and sure, the case is still cloaked in mystery—and it's her small town's ugly legacy—but Stella is focused on the coming summer. She's got a great best friend, a hookup with an irresistibly crooked smile, and two months of beach days stretching out before her. Then along comes a corpse, a little girl who washes up in an ancient cemetery after a mudslide, and who has red hair just like Jeanie did. Suddenly memories of that haunting day begin to return, and when Stella discovers that other red-headed girls have gone missing as well, she begins to suspect that something sinister is at work. And before the summer ends, Stella will learn the hard way that if you hunt for monsters, you will find them.

Jessica:  I am super excited to read this book! I'm normally not into scary things, but the summary for this book drew me right in. I'm also really interested in reading this book because we may or may not have been working with Alexandra Sirowy on a little something for you guys...*winks* This looks like a great book and I can't wait to get my hands on it!

Amber:  Unlike Jessica I liked creepy things, and then try to push them on her. Firstly, I love the cover to this book. The blue gradient and the font. It is so eerie. Alexandra is going to be stopping by the blog next month with some goodies and I can't wait for all to see it! 

What are you waiting on this week? Leave your link in the comments down below so we can stop back!


ARC Review: Bounce by Noelle August

Title: Bounce (Boomerang #3)
Author: Noelle August
Genre: New Adult, Contemporary, Romance 
Source: Edelweiss
Publisher: William Morrow Paperbacks
Publication Date: August 25th 2015
Add it to Goodreads / Pre-order it on Amazon 

Playing the occasional club gig just isn’t cutting it for twenty-two-year-old cellist Skyler Canby, who’s trying to support herself and her mother back home in Kentucky. Persuaded by her best friend Beth to accompany her on an audition for the first feature film launched by Blackwood Entertainment, she figures why not? Beth’s a shoe-in for the lead, but maybe Skyler’s newly dyed pink hair will help her stand out enough to score a small speaking part. Never in her wildest dreams does Skyler imagine she’ll land the lead role or that she’ll have her shoes knocked off her feet by the kiss her audition partner, Grey Blackwood, plants on her—a kiss that feels very real and not at all “acted. ” After throwing a party that causes thousands of dollars of damage to his older brother’s home, reckless musician Grey Blackwood gets roped into working off his debt on the set of his CEO brother’s newest project. Grey spends his days fetching coffee and doing odd jobs around the studio, but he lives for nights when he performs with his band. He knows if he can stay focused, success as a singer is just around the corner. But that’s tough with a distracting pink-haired girl occupying his every waking thought. Skyler and Grey have every reason to resist each other. But, like a song neither of them can get out of their minds, they have no choice but to go where the music takes them.


Confession: This is my first Noelle August book, but I can tell you what. I will be looking forward to her writing in the future. Never mind the fact I can't wait to get my hands on the other books in this series now. Bounce was both refreshing and entertaining story of a girl who never planned to be a star and a troubled boy who couldn't help but fall for her.

Bounce is told in dual POV, switching between Skyler and Grey. I'm not going to bother sitting here and describing what happens throughout the novel. Honestly there is so much that goes on that it will take me all night to type anyway. Shortened version: Girl meets boy, boy is filling in for a movie star at a reading, girl sucks face with boy, a bunch of other things happen, happy ending. Just with a lot of drama in between. I enjoyed most of the characters, besides Sky and Grey I really loved Garrett. He reminded me of an over enthused over caffeinated puppy at moments. 

FINALLY! A leading female who doesn't blush every time she is around a guy. Their is constant flirting between Sky and Grey, and of course she blushes. She wouldn't be human if she didn't. But she could say "penis" in front of him and not turn as red as a tomato. Sky wasn't unsure of herself in most situations, and that is what I loved most about her. She didn't question or over analyze the things she would say to Grey. Grey on the other hand was the opposite. He second guessed everything he said and his body temperature would spike when she was around. Both characters are dealing with a lot when they meet at Sky's audition. They never expect to see each other again, then Sky scores the leading role, playing the love interest to Garrett who's current assistant is Grey. So naturally, never seeing each other ever again didn't work out. I loved how they balanced each other out at times. Grey could calm Sky down and vise versa. They are a perfect match and I wanted to punch Grey every time he said he couldn't have her. (I wouldn't though. He has such a pretty face.) 

Most New Adult sex scenes are heavy breathing, touching, and asking if they sure they don't want to stop, ect. Grey and Sky were able to laugh and joke around, be their selves in that moment. Plus, it wasn't as raunchy as other New Adult books I have read. It was a bit refreshing actually. I would basically rate this book for 15+ based on the sexual content, it wasn't too much like other New Adult books. 

My biggest issue with this book is how Sky's view changed about her body. She said in beginning of Bounce that she knew the bottom half of her was fuller and she understood and accepted that. But after she lands the role of Emma, her weight starts to bother her. The girls in wardrobe handled the situation pretty shitty in my opinion. They could lie through their teeth that it was fine, but they looked at each other and made a face. Did they not expect her to see that?Then, one goes and offers Sky a weight loss/water pill thing like she is some sort of drug dealer. Maybe that is how things work on a movie set? But it annoyed they hell out of me. They basically made Sky feel ashamed that she wore a size ten in jeans. No body else cared. Grey thought that she was gorgeous. Brook still wanted to go out with her. Wardrobe could have ordered her clothes a size up. But I see how her weight was able to push the story along, and help with how everything wrapped up.  

Besides the sadness I feel because I finished such an AMAZING book and wish I could live in Grey's and Sky's world longer I can easily rate this one five stars. It had everything I look for in contemporary books plus more. My blogger friends better watch out! I am going to be pushing this one on them! 


It's Alright to DNF That Book (Seriously, everyone does!)

So you are reading a book and this happens....:

Then You  realize your at that point...: 

There will be a multitude of reasons why someone DNFs a book. They didn't connect with the characters, it was too slow, it didn't interest them, they are bored. What ever the reason it happens. Bloggers are busy readers and we often don't have the time to drag ourselves through a book that we aren't enjoying. I DNF more books then a probably should, but then again: Why am I wasting my time on something I'm not enjoying? DNFing a book is not something I like to do, I am not Oprah handing out DNFs left and right. But there have been times that I've DNFed two books in a row. My biggest questions have always been, when is it acceptable to DNF and what happens if it is a review book. 

I always try to push myself past 25% of the book. Typically not much happens in that time for the book to either be a bust or fail. Sometimes it is. The latest I ever DNFed a book was 61% because I convinced myself it was going to get better. Sometimes, that is the worst thing you can do. If you are considering DNFing a book ask yourself these things: 
  • Is there any connection to the characters at all? 
  • Do you car how it ends? 
  • Can you read more then a few pages at a time before taking a break? 
If you answered yes to any of those then it is probably safe to say that you're over that book. uif I have any connection to the character or any question of how it will end I will stick to the book because then I know that some small part of me wants to finish this out. 

Sometimes I will be in the middle of a book I was enjoying and I'll get book mail, suddenly my current read doesn't seem so interesting anymore. I don't DNF this book. I simply put it on hold. It basically means: I want to finish this. But not right now. 

I currently have 9 books that I want to eventually go back too. 41 books that I have officially DNFed. This is from the middle of 2014 until now. (So, that is 50 books that I just haven't pulled myself to actually love.) 

But as a blogger I have a long list of books for review, that need my time rather then a published book that I can always go back to later (Or not, depending). But DNFing review copies makes my heart hurt a little. Publishers only have a limited amount of galleys to send out and they were kind of enough to send one to me or digital galleys are capped once they reach a certain approved ratio. I feel if I DNF that book, I took the chance from someone else who might have really enjoyed it and actually finished it. In these cases I make myself finish the book, even if it is going to take me a week. If I really can't, I will let the publisher know in my "feedback" that this one wasn't for me and I will talk about what I liked, disliked, and whether I would give the book a shot again in the future. 

So, I made a poll and asked 25 other readers/bloggers via Twitter at what point they DNF a book:

Here is what they said: 

So DNFing something done more often not. More often then people actually finishing a book it seems. So if you are worried about DNFing a book, it is okay! 

Here are some books I have DNFed in the last few months: 

A Court of Thorns and Roses  by Sarah J. Maas // DNF @ 35% 

Why did I DNF this one? It was slow. I was already going on my fourth day of reading it and I had no desire to know what was going to happen next. I think it being over hyped so much was another reason I struggled with it. But by the fourth day I should have already been a book or two past this one. << Check it out on Goodreads >>

The Prey  by Tom Isbell // DNF @ 61%

I DNFed this on because of the writing and it was hard to follow. I stuck with it longer then I typically would have but I had hope it was going to get better. Sadly it didn't. This book was also a bad case of insta-love between the main characters after knowing each other for only hours. <<Check it out on Goodreads >>

The Young Elites  by Marie Young // DNF @ 32% 

I was really disappointed when I DNFed this one. I LOVE Marie's writing but TYE was way too slow for me. At 32% not much had happened in regards of plot. I dragged this one out for TWO WEEKS! That is fourteen days. Don't ask me why I did. << Check it out on Goodreads >>

The Raven Boys
 by Maggie Stiefvater // DNF @ 27%

A lot of people were a little shocked that I DNFed this one. I didn't DNF it ONCE but TWICE. I was intruiged enough but I really wasn't caring about how everything would end, and the POVs changed too many times for my liking. << Check it out on Goodreads >>

 I know, I know I DNFed The Raven Boys. I am going to give it another shot eventually

I am not suggesting for you to DNF a book, I am trying to bring across that it does happen and you won't be the only one who has DNFed a book. Was this post any help at all? Where do you stand in DNFing a book? Let me know in the comments below!

ARC Review: Until Friday Night by Abbi Glines

Title: Until Friday Night (The Field Party #1)
Author: Abbi Glines
Genre: Contemporary, Romance
Source: ARC Sent by Publisher / Edelweiss 
Publisher: Simon Pulse
Publication Date: August 25th 2015
Add it to Goodreads / Pre-order it on Amazon 

To everyone who knows him, West Ashby has always been that guy: the cocky, popular, way-too-handsome-for-his-own-good football god who led Lawton High to the state championships. But while West may be Big Man on Campus on the outside, on the inside he’s battling the grief that comes with watching his father slowly die of cancer. Two years ago, Maggie Carleton’s life fell apart when her father murdered her mother. And after she told the police what happened, she stopped speaking and hasn’t spoken since. Even the move to Lawton, Alabama, couldn’t draw Maggie back out. So she stayed quiet, keeping her sorrow and her fractured heart hidden away. As West’s pain becomes too much to handle, he knows he needs to talk to someone about his father—so in the dark shadows of a post-game party, he opens up to the one girl who he knows won’t tell anyone else. West expected that talking about his dad would bring some relief, or at least a flood of emotions he couldn’t control. But he never expected the quiet new girl to reply, to reveal a pain even deeper than his own—or for them to form a connection so strong that he couldn’t ever let her go…


I am not quite sure were to start with this review. Abbi Glines has been one of my go-to authors for a while now and she never fails to disappoint. Abbi's latest YA series is filled with heartbreak, love and family set in the West. 

Two years ago Maggie witnessed the unbelievable. She watched her mother be murdered by her father. Shortly after she stopped talking. Maggie doesn't want to relive the pain of telling her story over and over, and if she doesn't talk no one would ask her. West's father is dying of cancer, he is barley holding it together and he is angry. Both Maggie and West who are harboring painful secrets find their way too each other, and both know how wrong their attraction is but know that they need each other. For West Maggie is someone to trust, who listens to him and doesn't judge. For Maggie it gives her hope. 

Until Friday Night is told in alternating point of views, both equally enjoyable. Maggie is quiet and observant, a quality that enables her to see beneath people's exterior to how they really feel. She easily saw through West, something that not even his football buddies was able to see through. Maggie's silence doesn't discount her kindness towards people, even people who treat her horribly. West? He is literally the opposite of Maggie. He is loud, obnoxious, vulgar, and especially crude towards girls. West used girls as a distraction of pain. Even while he was becoming closer to Maggie, he had a girl he was using by his side. Obviously he was a character I typically wouldn't have liked, but there was just something about him that I had hope for. I loved seeing how he went from a complete asshole, to someone Maggie could rely on. 

I enjoyed the romance, though I wish it wasn't the "Wow, I will never be good enough for her." or "He doesn't want a girl like me." Kind of thing. It also made things complicated when West was fooling around with other girls. Though eventually we get to watch them fall in love, giving something to the other that they need to make it through the days. 

Overall, I really loved Until Friday Night. The only problem is that I am use to Abbi's New Adult novels and expected this one to be steamy. So I was slightly disappointed in that aspect, though it didn't take away from the enjoyment of the story for me. I am really looking forward to the next book in The Field Party series. 


Favorite Featured Writing From BiblioSmiles! (SBPT Stop #4)

Current Hosts of:

Welcome to the third stop of the 2015 Summer Blogger Promo Tour, hosted by us ladies at The Book Bratz! This is a summer-long tour where we'll be introducing you to different book bloggers and their awesome blogs every Sunday - if you're interested in learning more about the tour, click here!

Today we have Danielle from BiblioSmiles here to talk about her blog's creation and also some of her favorite pieces that she's featured! (For those who don't know, it will be explained in the guest post, but Danielle's blog is a huge collaboration of dozens upon dozens of writers and readers and their material!) Without further ado, here's Danielle's guest post!

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One day, I daydreamed of owning a little space on the internet where I could talk about something near and dear to my heart: books! Now, I knew reading was a solitary experience, best done in a comfy chair with a warm mug of tea at your side. But I wanted my little space on the internet to be a place for bookworms to look up from their books and talk about the things that excited them.
Reading may be a solitary experience, but the joy we receive from it should be shared.
And with that thought, BiblioSmiles was born.
I messaged some of my college friends (some writers, all readers) and told them about my idea. Whether they chose to contribute once or contribute regularly, I hoped they share their thoughts on books and reading on BiblioSmiles.
That was in February of 2014. Now I’ve had almost thirty contributors on the site, and I’m so happy about that! Between my own book reviews, event recaps, and interviews, I’m glad to be able to give others the chance to have their voice heard. Today, Amber and Jessica have asked me to share some of my favorite BiblioSmiles posts with you. And while it would be easy to say “everything I’ve written,” I wanted to shine the spotlight on some of my contributors. This little spot on the internet is a heck of a lot brighter with them around.
Andrew’s essays are always poetic and beautifully-written. Click here and swoon with me; this guy knows how to write about a typewriter!
Emily is both a book junkie and a cinema junkie. I love her post on discovering female screenwriters.
Nail art is such a big trend right now – and Taylor of Novels and Nail Polish combines her love for nail art with her love for books! Her beautifully-photographed designs and well-written blog entries make Novels and Nail Polish a must-visit in the blogosphere. Read her guest post here.
To go along with the fashion and books trend: one of my favorite bloggers (and a fellow SUNY Purchase creative writing grad!), Sara Strauss, visited BiblioSmiles and shared some Bookworm Fashion Inspiration. Sara has a real knack for putting together outfits inspired by new novels, old classics, and favorite characters. Be sure to give her blog, Sincerely, Sara, a visit!
If you’ve been reading BiblioSmiles for a while, I’m sure you’ve gotten quite used to seeing Gabriele’s name here! Gabriele is constantly coming up with cool ideas and she’s excited to share each and every one with you readers. While you can read all of her posts here, I wanted to highlight two series of posts she’s been working on: her Literary Crush series profiles authors and their work.  Her Critters in Literature posts are dedicated to literature’s most famous creatures.
I want to thank Jessica and Amber for hosting this amazing Summer Blogger Promo Tour and for having me on their blog! I hope you’ll stop by BiblioSmiles and read what we have to say. I would be more than thrilled to hear from some of you who may like to contribute as well!
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About Danielle

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Danielle Villano is a New Jersey native and a graduate of the SUNY Purchase creative writing program. She lives in New York City and should be working on her YA novel instead of going to brunch. She blogs at BiblioSmiles, and can be reached on Twitter as @daniellevillano.
Keep Up With Danielle On Her:

We'd like to extend a huge thank you to Danielle for stopping over at our blog and talking all about BiblioSmiles. Her blog is definitely unique and creative, and we encourage everyone to go submit something! You could be a blogger submitting a guest post, a reader submitting a review, an author willing to do an interview, etc. There are tons of ways to submit to BiblioSmiles and you can check out all of your options by clicking here!

Check back next Sunday, when we'll be featuring Naomi from The Perks of Being a Bookworm!
Also, check out past posts from this summer's 2015 Summer Blogger Promo Tour:

Week 4 link up!

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